Fix / adapt the side-by-side review diff rendering.

Thomas Keller 2011-10-09 03:14:43 +02:00
parent e5b10a8494
commit 464c1a8ef5
3 changed files with 120 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -169,8 +169,7 @@ class IDF_Diff
$offsets[] = sprintf('<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>', $left, $right);
$content = Pluf_esc($content);
$content = IDF_FileUtil::emphasizeControlCharacters($content);
$content = IDF_FileUtil::emphasizeControlCharacters(Pluf_esc($content));
$contents[] = sprintf('<td class="%s%s mono">%s</td>', $class, $pretty, $content);
if (count($file['chunks']) > $cc) {
@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ class IDF_Diff
'</tr>' ."\n".
'</table>' ."\n";
$out .= '<table class="diff">' ."\n".
$out .= '<table class="diff unified">' ."\n".
'<colgroup><col width="'.($leftwidth + $rightwidth + 1).'" /><col width="*" /></colgroup>' ."\n".
'<tr id="diff-'.md5($filename).'">'.
'<th colspan="2">'.Pluf_esc($filename).'</th>'.
@ -354,31 +353,108 @@ class IDF_Diff
if (IDF_FileUtil::isSupportedExtension($fileinfo[2])) {
$pretty = ' prettyprint';
$out = '';
$cc = 1;
$i = 0;
$left_offsets = array();
$left_contents = array();
$right_offsets = array();
$right_contents = array();
$max_lineno_left = $max_lineno_right = 0;
foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
foreach ($chunk as $line) {
$line1 = '&nbsp;';
$line2 = '&nbsp;';
$line[2] = (strlen($line[2])) ? IDF_FileUtil::emphasizeControlCharacters(Pluf_esc($line[2])) : '&nbsp;';
$left = '';
$right = '';
$content = IDF_FileUtil::emphasizeControlCharacters(Pluf_esc($line[2]));
if ($line[0] and $line[1]) {
$class = 'diff-c';
$line1 = $line2 = $line[2];
$class = 'context';
$left = $right = $content;
} elseif ($line[0]) {
$class = 'diff-r';
$line1 = $line[2];
$class = 'removed';
$left = $content;
} else {
$class = 'diff-a';
$line2 = $line[2];
$class = 'added';
$right = $content;
$out .= sprintf('<tr class="diff-line"><td class="diff-lc">%s</td><td class="%s mono%s"><code>%s</code></td><td class="diff-lc">%s</td><td class="%s mono%s"><code>%s</code></td></tr>'."\n", $line[0], $class, $pretty, $line1, $line[1], $class, $pretty, $line2);
$left_offsets[] = sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $line[0]);
$right_offsets[] = sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $line[1]);
$left_contents[] = sprintf('<td class="%s%s mono">%s</td>', $class, $pretty, $left);
$right_contents[] = sprintf('<td class="%s%s mono">%s</td>', $class, $pretty, $right);
$max_lineno_left = max($max_lineno_left, $line[0]);
$max_lineno_right = max($max_lineno_right, $line[1]);
if (count($chunks) > $cc) {
$left_offsets[] = '<td class="next">...</td>';
$right_offsets[] = '<td class="next">...</td>';
$left_contents[] = '<td></td>';
$right_contents[] = '<td></td>';
if (count($chunks) > $cc)
$out .= '<tr class="diff-next"><td>...</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>...</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>'."\n";
$leftwidth = 1;
if ($max_lineno_left > 0)
$leftwidth = ((ceil(log10($max_lineno_left)) + 1) * 8) + 12;
$rightwidth = 1;
if ($max_lineno_right > 0)
$rightwidth = ((ceil(log10($max_lineno_right)) + 1) * 8) + 12;
$inner_linecounts_left =
'<table class="diff-linecounts">' ."\n".
'<colgroup><col width="'.$leftwidth.'" /></colgroup>' ."\n".
'<tr class="line">' .
implode('</tr>'."\n".'<tr class="line">', $left_offsets).
'</tr>' ."\n".
'</table>' ."\n";
$inner_linecounts_right =
'<table class="diff-linecounts">' ."\n".
'<colgroup><col width="'.$rightwidth.'" /></colgroup>' ."\n".
'<tr class="line">' .
implode('</tr>'."\n".'<tr class="line">', $right_offsets).
'</tr>' ."\n".
'</table>' ."\n";
$inner_contents_left =
'<table class="diff-contents">' ."\n".
'<tr class="line">' .
implode('</tr>'."\n".'<tr class="line">', $left_contents) .
'</tr>' ."\n".
'</table>' ."\n";
$inner_contents_right =
'<table class="diff-contents">' ."\n".
'<tr class="line">' .
implode('</tr>'."\n".'<tr class="line">', $right_contents) .
'</tr>' ."\n".
'</table>' ."\n";
$out =
'<table class="diff context">' ."\n".
'<colgroup>' .
'<col width="'.($leftwidth + 1).'" /><col width="*" />' .
'<col width="'.($rightwidth + 1).'" /><col width="*" />' .
'</colgroup>' ."\n".
'<tr id="diff-'.md5($filename).'">'.
'<th colspan="4">'.Pluf_esc($filename).'</th>'.
'</tr>' ."\n".
'<tr>' .
'<th colspan="2">'.__('Old').'</th><th colspan="2">'.__('New').'</th>' .
'<tr>' .
'<td>'. $inner_linecounts_left .'</td>'. "\n".
'<td><div class="scroll">'. $inner_contents_left .'</div></td>'. "\n".
'<td>'. $inner_linecounts_right .'</td>'. "\n".
'<td><div class="scroll">'. $inner_contents_right .'</div></td>'. "\n".
'</tr>' ."\n".
'</table>' ."\n";
return Pluf_Template::markSafe($out);

View File

@ -10,8 +10,26 @@
<table class="disp" summary="">
{if !$user.isAnonymous()}
<div class="issue-submit-info" style="width: 50%; float: right; position: relative;">
<p><strong>{trans 'How to Participate in a Code Review'}</strong></p>
<p>{blocktrans}Code review is a process in which
after or before changes are commited into the code repository,
different people discuss the code changes. The goal is
to <strong>improve the quality of the code and the
contributions</strong>, as such, you must be pragmatic when writing
your review. Correctly mention the line numbers (in the old or in the
new file) and try to keep a good balance between seriousness and fun.
<strong>Proposing code for review is intimidating</strong>, you know
you will receive critics, so please, as a reviewer, <strong>keep this
process fun</strong>, use it to help your contributor learn your
coding standards and the structure of the code and <strong>make them want
to propose more contributions</strong>.
<table class="commit" summary="">
<th><strong>{trans 'Created:'}</strong></th><td>{$patch.creation_dtime|date:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"} ({$patch.creation_dtime|dateago})</td>
@ -45,39 +63,12 @@
<th>&nbsp;</th><td><a href="{$url}"><img style="vertical-align: text-bottom;" src="{media '/idf/img/package-grey.png'}" alt="{trans 'Archive'}" align="bottom" /></a> <a href="{$url}" class="soft">{trans 'Download the corresponding diff file'}</a></td>
{if !$user.isAnonymous()}
<div class="issue-submit-info" style="width: 90%; float: right; position: relative;">
<p><strong>{trans 'How to Participate in a Code Review'}</strong></p>
<p>{blocktrans}Code review is a process in which
after or before changes are commited into the code repository,
different people discuss the code changes. The goal is
to <strong>improve the quality of the code and the
contributions</strong>, as such, you must be pragmatic when writing
your review. Correctly mention the line numbers (in the old or in the
new file) and try to keep a good balance between seriousness and fun.
<strong>Proposing code for review is intimidating</strong>, you know
you will receive critics, so please, as a reviewer, <strong>keep this
process fun</strong>, use it to help your contributor learn your
coding standards and the structure of the code and <strong>make them want
to propose more contributions</strong>.
<form method="post" action=".">
{foreach $files as $file=>$def}
<table class="diff" summary=" ">
<tr id="diff-{$file|md5}"><th colspan="4">{$file}</th></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">{trans 'Old'}</th><th colspan="2">{trans 'New'}</th></tr>
{assign $fcomments = $def[2]}
{assign $nc = $fcomments.count()}
{assign $i = 1}

View File

@ -600,8 +600,9 @@ table.diff td {
padding: 0;
table.diff > tbody > tr > td + td {
border-right: 1px solid #d3d7cf;
table.diff.unified > tbody > tr > td + td,
table.diff.context > tbody > tr > td + td + td + td {
border-right: 1px solid #d3d7cf;
table.diff th {