_a['table'] = 'idf_wikiresourcerevs'; $this->_a['model'] = __CLASS__; $this->_a['cols'] = array( // It is mandatory to have an "id" column. 'id' => array( 'type' => 'Pluf_DB_Field_Sequence', 'blank' => true, ), 'wikiresource' => array( 'type' => 'Pluf_DB_Field_Foreignkey', 'model' => 'IDF_Wiki_Resource', 'blank' => false, 'verbose' => __('resource'), 'relate_name' => 'revisions', ), 'is_head' => array( 'type' => 'Pluf_DB_Field_Boolean', 'blank' => false, 'default' => false, 'help_text' => 'If this revision is the latest, we mark it as being the head revision.', 'index' => true, ), 'summary' => array( 'type' => 'Pluf_DB_Field_Varchar', 'blank' => false, 'size' => 250, 'verbose' => __('summary'), 'help_text' => __('A one line description of the changes.'), ), 'filesize' => array( 'type' => 'Pluf_DB_Field_Integer', 'blank' => false, 'default' => 0, 'verbose' => __('file size in bytes'), ), 'fileext' => array( 'type' => 'Pluf_DB_Field_Varchar', 'blank' => false, 'size' => 10, 'verbose' => __('File extension'), 'help_text' => __('The file extension of the uploaded resource.'), ), 'submitter' => array( 'type' => 'Pluf_DB_Field_Foreignkey', 'model' => 'Pluf_User', 'blank' => false, 'verbose' => __('submitter'), 'relate_name' => 'submitted_downloads', ), 'pageusage' => array( 'type' => 'Pluf_DB_Field_Manytomany', 'model' => 'IDF_Wiki_PageRevision', 'blank' => true, 'verbose' => __('page usage'), 'help_text' => 'Records on which pages this resource revision is used.', ), 'creation_dtime' => array( 'type' => 'Pluf_DB_Field_Datetime', 'blank' => true, 'verbose' => __('creation date'), ), ); $table = $this->_con->pfx.'idf_wiki_pagerevision_idf_wiki_resourcerevision_assoc'; $this->_a['views'] = array( 'join_pagerevision' => array( 'join' => 'LEFT JOIN '.$table .' ON idf_wiki_resourcerevision_id=id', ), ); } function __toString() { return sprintf(__('id %d: %s'), $this->id, $this->summary); } function _toIndex() { return ''; } function preDelete() { // if we kill off a head revision, ensure that we either mark a previous revision as head if ($this->is_head) { $sql = new Pluf_SQL('wikiresource=%s and id!=%s', array($this->wikiresource, $this->id)); $revs = Pluf::factory('IDF_Wiki_ResourceRevision')->getList(array('filter'=>$sql->gen(), 'order'=>'id DESC')); if ($revs->count() > 0) { $previous = $revs[0]; $previous->is_head = true; $previous->update(); } } @unlink($this->getFilePath()); IDF_Timeline::remove($this); } function preSave($create=false) { if ($this->id == '') { $this->creation_dtime = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->is_head = true; } } function postSave($create=false) { $resource = $this->get_wikiresource(); if ($create) { $sql = new Pluf_SQL('wikiresource=%s', array($this->wikiresource)); $rev = Pluf::factory('IDF_Wiki_ResourceRevision')->getList(array('filter'=>$sql->gen())); if ($rev->count() > 1) { IDF_Timeline::insert($this, $resource->get_project(), $this->get_submitter()); foreach ($rev as $r) { if ($r->id != $this->id and $r->is_head) { $r->is_head = false; $r->update(); } } } } // update the modification timestamp $resource->update(); } function getFilePath() { return sprintf(Pluf::f('upload_path').'/'.$this->get_wikiresource()->get_project()->shortname.'/wiki/res/%d/%d.%s', $this->get_wikiresource()->id, $this->id, $this->fileext); } function getViewURL() { $prj = $this->get_wikiresource()->get_project(); $resource = $this->get_wikiresource(); return Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views_Wiki::viewResource', array($prj->shortname, $resource->title), array('rev' => $this->id)); } function getRawURL($attachment = false) { $query = $attachment ? array('attachment' => 1) : array(); $prj = $this->get_wikiresource()->get_project(); return Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views_Wiki::rawResource', array($prj->shortname, $this->id), $query); } /** * Returns the page revisions which contain references to this resource revision */ function getPageRevisions() { $db =& Pluf::db(); $sql_results = $db->select( 'SELECT idf_wiki_pagerevision_id as id '. 'FROM '.Pluf::f('db_table_prefix', '').'idf_wiki_pagerevision_idf_wiki_resourcerevision_assoc '. 'WHERE idf_wiki_resourcerevision_id='.$this->id ); $ids = array(0); foreach ($sql_results as $id) { $ids[] = $id['id']; } $ids = implode (',', $ids); $sql = new Pluf_SQL('id IN ('.$ids.')'); return Pluf::factory('IDF_Wiki_PageRevision') ->getList(array('filter' => $sql->gen())); } /** * Renders the resource with the given view options, including a link to the resource' detail page */ function render($opts = array()) { // give some reasonable defaults $opts = array_merge(array( 'align' => 'left', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'preview' => 'yes', // if possible 'title' => '', ), $opts); $attrs = array('class="resource-container"'); $styles = array(); if (!empty($opts['align'])) { switch ($opts['align']) { case 'left': $styles[] = 'float: left'; $styles[] = 'margin-right: 10px'; break; case 'center': $styles[] = 'margin: 0 auto 0 auto'; break; case 'right': $styles[] = 'float: right'; $styles[] = 'margin-left: 10px'; break; } } if (!empty($opts['width'])) { $styles[] = 'width:'.$opts['width']; } if (!empty($opts['height'])) { $styles[] = 'height:'.$opts['height']; } $raw = $this->renderRaw(); $viewUrl = $this->getViewURL(); $download = ''; $html = '
'; if ($opts['preview'] == 'yes' && !empty($raw)) { $html .= '
'."\n"; } else { $rawUrl = $this->getRawURL(true); $download = ''; } $resource = $this->get_wikiresource(); $title = $opts['title']; if (empty($title)) { $title = $resource->title.' - '.$resource->mime_type.' - '.Pluf_Utils::prettySize($this->filesize); } $html .= '
'."\n"; $html .= '
'; return $html; } /** * Renders a raw version of the resource, without any possibilities of formatting or the like */ function renderRaw() { $resource = $this->get_wikiresource(); $url = $this->getRawURL(); if (preg_match('#^image/(gif|jpeg|png|tiff)$#', $resource->mime_type)) { return sprintf('%s', $url, $resource->title); } if (preg_match('#^text/(plain|xml|html|sgml|javascript|ecmascript|css)$#', $resource->mime_type)) { return sprintf('', $url, $resource->title); } return ''; } public function timelineFragment($request) { $resource = $this->get_wikiresource(); $url = Pluf::f('url_base') .Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views_Wiki::viewResource', array($request->project->shortname, $resource->title), array('rev' => $this->id)); $out = "\n".''. Pluf_esc(Pluf_Template_dateAgo($this->creation_dtime, 'without')). ''; $stag = new IDF_Template_ShowUser(); $user = $stag->start($this->get_submitter(), $request, '', false); $out .= sprintf(__('%2$s, %3$s'), $url, Pluf_esc($resource->title), Pluf_esc($this->summary)); $out .= ''; $out .= "\n".'
'.sprintf(__('Change of %2$s, by %3$s'), $url, Pluf_esc($resource->title), $user).'
'; return Pluf_Template::markSafe($out); } public function feedFragment($request) { $resource = $this->get_wikiresource(); $url = Pluf::f('url_base') .Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views_Wiki::viewResource', array($request->project->shortname, $resource->title), array('rev' => $this->id)); $title = sprintf(__('%1$s: Documentation resource %2$s updated - %3$s'), $request->project->name, $resource->title, $resource->summary); $date = Pluf_Date::gmDateToGmString($this->creation_dtime); $context = new Pluf_Template_Context_Request( $request, array('url' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'resource' => $resource, 'rev' => $this, 'create' => false, 'date' => $date) ); $tmpl = new Pluf_Template('idf/wiki/feedfragment-resource.xml'); return $tmpl->render($context); } }