valid()) { if ($file->isDir() && !$file->isDot()) { $res[] = $file->getPathName(); } $file->next(); } return $res; } function getTestFiles($dir='') { $file = new DirectoryIterator($dir); $res = array(); while ($file->valid()) { if ($file->isFile() && substr($file->getPathName(), -4) == '.php') { $class = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_', substr($file->getPathName(), 0, -4)); $res[] = array($file->getPathName(), $class); } $file->next(); } return $res; } if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') { // Get the application and then the configuration file if ($argc < 2) { usage($argv[0]); exit(1); } $app = $argv[1]; if ($argc >= 3) { $config = $argv[2]; } else { $config = $app.'/conf/'.strtolower($app).'.test.php'; } } else { echo('Error: This script can only be run from the command line.'."\n"); exit(1); } echo(sprintf('Application: %s ', $app)); if (!file_exists($config)) { echo(sprintf("\n".'Error, the config file does not exists: %s'."\n", $config)); exit(1); } else { echo(sprintf('(%s)'."\n", $config)); } define('IN_UNIT_TESTS', true); require 'Pluf.php'; Pluf::start($config); $simple_test = Pluf::f('simple_test_path', false); if (false == $simple_test) { e('Error, the path to the simple test framework is not defined.'); e('Download simple test from:'); e(''); e('Extract the archive on your system and set the "simple_test_path"'); e('configuration variable in your configuration file.'); e('For example: $cfg[\'simple_test_path\'] = \'/home/you/simpletest\'; '); exit(1); } $testfolder = $app.'/Tests/'; if (!file_exists($testfolder)) { e(sprintf('The test folder does not exists: %s.', $app.'/Tests/')); exit(1); } define('SIMPLE_TEST', $simple_test.'/'); require_once(SIMPLE_TEST.'unit_tester.php'); require_once(SIMPLE_TEST.'reporter.php'); $files = getTestFiles($testfolder); $dirs = getTestDirs($testfolder); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { foreach (getTestFiles($dir) as $test) { $files[] = $test; } } $test = &new GroupTest(sprintf('All tests for application %s.', $app)); foreach ($files as $t) { if (!function_exists('apc_store') && 'Pluf_Tests_Cache_Apc' === $t[1]) { continue; } $test->addTestCase(new $t[1]()); } $reporter = new TextReporter(); $mig = new Pluf_Migration(null); $mig->display = false; $mig->install(); // If available, load an initialisation file. if (file_exists($app.'/Tests/init.json')) { $created = Pluf_Test_Fixture::loadFile($app.'/Tests/init.json'); } else { $created = array(); } $test->run($reporter); $mig->unInstall();