If you are currently running indefero but want to run srchub you will need to do a few things.
First off you need to run migrations to upgrade your database schema:
php /home/www/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=IDF/conf/idf.php -a -d
Currently this adds a project request table - but more tables will be added in the future.
##### Passwords
**This is extremely critical**
srchub stores passwords using SHA1, which is different than indefero (which used salted passwords). If you are switching you will need to reset the password of all your users. If you don't do this, and install the new system then your users will NOT be able to login.
### Install instructions for Indefero
These are the install instructions from indefero - they also apply to srchub with some slight changes
### Quick installation instruction
The installation of InDefero is composed of 2 parts, first the
installation of the [Pluf framework](http://www.pluf.org) and second,
the installation of InDefero by itself.
#### Recommended Layout of the Files
If your server document root is in `/var/www` a good thing is to keep
the number of files under the `/var/www` folder to its minimum. So,
you should create a `/home/www` folder in which we are going to
install all but the files which need to be available under the
document root.
The you need to link the `media` and `index.php` files into your
$ cd /var/www
$ ln -s /home/www/indefero/www/index.php
$ ln -s /home/www/indefero/www/media
#### Installation of Pluf
* Checkout the trunk of [Pluf](http://www.pluf.org).
* Install the `Mail` and `Mail_mime` classes from [PEAR](http://pear.php.net). You must use the `--alldeps` flag when installing these modules.
**Pear install/upgrade:**
$ sudo pear upgrade-all
$ sudo pear install --alldeps Mail
$ sudo pear install --alldeps Mail_mime
If you already have some of the PEAR packages installed with your
distribution, the `Mail` package is often not up-to-date,
[read more here](http://projects.ceondo.com/p/indefero/issues/104/#ic347).
The Pluf installation folder is the folder containing the file `Pluf.php`.
## Installation of InDefero
The installation is composed of the following steps:
* Get the InDefero archive.
* Configure it correctly.
* Installation the database with the `migrate.php` script.
* Bootstrap the application with a `bootstrap.php` script.
Here is the step-by-step installation procedure:
* Extract the InDefero archive somewhere.
* The InDefero installation folder is the folder containing this file INSTALL.mdtext.
* Make a copy of `src/IDF/conf/idf.php-dist` as `src/IDF/conf/idf.php`.
* Update the idf.php file to match your system.
* Make a copy of `src/IDF/conf/path.php-dist` as `src/IDF/conf/path.php`.
* Update the path.php file to match your installation paths. It should work out of the box if you followed the recommended file layout.
* Open a terminal/shell and go into the `src` folder in the InDefero installation folder.
$ cd /home/www/indefero/src
* Run `php /home/www/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=IDF/conf/idf.php -a -i -d -u` to test the installation of the tables.
* Run `php /home/www/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=IDF/conf/idf.php -a -i -d` to really install the tables.
* More details about the migration is available in the [migration documentation](http://pluf.org/doc/migrations.html) of the Pluf framework.
* Create a bootstrap file to create the admin user for example `www/bootstrap.php`. Do not forget to update the second line with your path to Pluf.