
156 lines
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/* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
# This file is part of InDefero, an open source project management application.
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Céondo Ltd and contributors.
# InDefero is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# InDefero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* Class that calculates the activity value for all projects on a
* specific date and time.
* We do this by counting adds or updates of database objects in
* the particular section (according to the timeline) and relate this
* value to the overall activity of a section in the forge.
* To illustrate the behaviour, a simple example could be a forge with
* only two projects that both have only issue tracking enabled.
* The first project created or updated 10 tickets during the past period,
* the other 20. The activity index for the first should therefor be
* calculated as 0.33 and the second as 0.66.
* Note that this simple example doesn't take activity in other
* sections into account, so the the total activity of all projects
* for a certain time period might add up to more than 1.0.
* @author tommyd
class IDF_ActivityTaxonomy
public static function recalculateTaxnomies(DateTime $date)
// query and normalize the section weights
$sectionWeights = Pluf::f('activity_section_weights', array());
$allWeights = array_sum($sectionWeights);
if ($allWeights == 0) {
throw new LogicException('the sum of all "activity_section_weights" must not be 0');
foreach ($sectionWeights as $section => $weight) {
$sectionWeights[$section] = $weight / (float) $allWeights;
// determine the date boundaries
$lookback = Pluf::f('activity_lookback', 0);
if ($lookback < 1) {
throw new LogicException('lookback must be greater or equal to 1');
$dateCopy = new DateTime();
$dateBoundaries = array(
$dateCopy->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59'),
$dateCopy->sub(new DateInterval('P'.$lookback.'D'))->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')
// now recalculate the values for all projects
$projects = Pluf::factory('IDF_Project')->getList();
foreach ($projects as $project) {
self::recalculateTaxonomy($date, $project, $dateBoundaries, $sectionWeights);
private static function recalculateTaxonomy(DateTime $date, IDF_Project $project, array $dateBoundaries, array $sectionWeights)
$conf = new IDF_Conf();
$sectionClasses = array(
'source' => array('IDF_Commit'),
'issues' => array('IDF_Issue'),
'wiki' => array('IDF_Wiki_Page', 'IDF_Wiki_Resource'),
'review' => array('IDF_Review'),
'downloads' => array('IDF_Upload')
$value = 0;
foreach ($sectionWeights as $section => $weight) {
// skip closed / non-existant sections
if ($conf->getVal($section.'_access_rights', 'none') === 'none')
if (!array_key_exists($section, $sectionClasses))
$sectionValue = self::calculateActivityValue(
$dateBoundaries, $sectionClasses[$section], $project->id);
$value = ((1 - $weight) * $value) + ($weight * $sectionValue);
echo "project {$project->name} has an activity value of $value\n";
$sql = new Pluf_SQL('project=%s AND date=%s', array($project->id, $date->format('Y-m-d')));
$activity = Pluf::factory('IDF_ProjectActivity')->getOne(array('filter' => $sql->gen()));
if ($activity == null) {
$activity = new IDF_ProjectActivity();
$activity->project = $project;
$activity->date = $date->format('Y-m-d');
$activity->value = $value;
} else {
$activity->value = $value;
private static function calculateActivityValue(array $dateBoundaries, array $classes, $projectId)
$allCount = self::countActivityFor($dateBoundaries, $classes);
if ($allCount == 0) return 0;
$prjCount = self::countActivityFor($dateBoundaries, $classes, $projectId);
return $prjCount / (float) $allCount;
private static function countActivityFor(array $dateBoundaries, array $classes, $projectId = null)
static $cache = array();
$argIdent = md5(serialize(func_get_args()));
if (array_key_exists($argIdent, $cache)) {
return $cache[$argIdent];
$cache[$argIdent] = 0;
list($higher, $lower) = $dateBoundaries;
$sql = new Pluf_SQL('model_class IN ("'.implode('","', $classes).'") '.
'AND creation_dtime >= %s AND creation_dtime <= %s',
array($lower, $higher));
if ($projectId !== null) {
$sql->SAnd(new Pluf_SQL('project=%s', array($projectId)));
$cache[$argIdent] = Pluf::factory('IDF_Timeline')->getCount(array('filter' => $sql->gen()));
return $cache[$argIdent];