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# Quick installation instruction
The installation of InDefero is composed of 2 parts, first the
installation of the [Pluf framework](http://www.pluf.org) and second,
the installation of InDefero by itself.
## Recommended Layout of the Files
If your server document root is in `/var/www` a good thing is to keep
the number of files under the `/var/www` folder to its minimum. So,
you should create a `/home/www` folder in which we are going to
install all but the files which need to be available under the
document root.
The you need to link the `media` and `index.php` files into your
$ cd /var/www
$ ln -s /home/www/indefero/www/index.php
$ ln -s /home/www/indefero/www/media
## Installation of Pluf
* Checkout the trunk of [Pluf](http://www.pluf.org).
* Install the `Mail` and `Mail_mime` classes from [PEAR](http://pear.php.net). You must use the `--alldeps` flag when installing these modules.
**Pear install/upgrade:**
$ sudo pear upgrade-all
$ sudo pear install --alldeps Mail
$ sudo pear install --alldeps Mail_mime
If you already have some of the PEAR packages installed with your
distribution, the `Mail` package is often not up-to-date,
[read more here](http://projects.ceondo.com/p/indefero/issues/104/#ic347).
The Pluf installation folder is the folder containing the file `Pluf.php`.
## Installation of InDefero
The installation is composed of the following steps:
* Get the InDefero archive.
* Configure it correctly.
* Installation the database with the `migrate.php` script.
* Bootstrap the application with a `bootstrap.php` script.
Here is the step-by-step installation procedure:
* Extract the InDefero archive somewhere.
* The InDefero installation folder is the folder containing this file INSTALL.mdtext.
* Make a copy of `src/IDF/conf/idf.php-dist` as `src/IDF/conf/idf.php`.
* Update the idf.php file to match your system.
* Make a copy of `src/IDF/conf/path.php-dist` as `src/IDF/conf/path.php`.
* Update the path.php file to match your installation paths. It should work out of the box if you followed the recommended file layout.
* Open a terminal/shell and go into the `src` folder in the InDefero installation folder.
$ cd /home/www/indefero/src
* Run `php /home/www/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=IDF/conf/idf.php -a -i -d -u` to test the installation of the tables.
* Run `php /home/www/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=IDF/conf/idf.php -a -i -d` to really install the tables.
* More details about the migration is available in the [migration documentation](http://pluf.org/doc/migrations.html) of the Pluf framework.
* Create a bootstrap file to create the admin user for example `www/bootstrap.php`. Do not forget to update the second line with your path to Pluf.
**Bootstrap script:**
require '/home/www/indefero/src/IDF/conf/path.php';
require 'Pluf.php';
$user = new Pluf_User();
$user->first_name = 'John';
$user->last_name = 'Doe'; // Required!
$user->login = 'doe'; // must be lowercase!
$user->email = 'doe@example.com';
$user->password = 'yourpassword'; // the password is salted/hashed
// in the database, so do not worry :)
$user->administrator = true;
$user->active = true;
print "Bootstrap ok\n";
* Run `php www/bootstrap.php`.
* Remove the `www/bootstrap.php` file.
* Open the `www/index.php` file and ensure that the path to Pluf and
Indefero are correctly set for your configuration.
* Now you can login with this user into the interface.
* Click on the Forge Management link on top and create your first project.
## Upgrade InDefero
To upgrade:
* Make a backup of your data, including the database.
* Extract the new archive on top of the current one.
* Update your version of Pluf.
* Check that the path in the `index.php` are still good.
* Remove all the `*.phps` files in your temp folder.
* Upgrade the database with the upgrade commands:
**Upgrade commands:**
$ cd /home/www/indefero/src
$ php /home/www/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=IDF/conf/idf.php -a -d -u
$ php /home/www/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=IDF/conf/idf.php -a -d
## Repository Synchronization
The documentation is available in the `doc` folder.
* Subversion: `doc/syncsvn.mdtext`.
* Mercurial: `doc/syncmercurial.mdtext`.
* Git: `doc/syncgit.mdtext`.
## For the Apache Webserver Users
If you are using [Apache](http://httpd.apache.org/) for your webserver
and want to have nice URLs like `http://yourdomain.com/p/yourproject/`
and not `http://yourdomain.com/index.php/p/yourproject/` you can use
the following `.htaccess` file to be put in the same folder of the
`www/index.php` file.
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*) /index.php/$1
`Options +FollowSymLinks` is only needed if you are using symlinks.
## For the Gentoo users
If you get the error:
T_CHARACTER Use of undefined constant T_CHARACTER - assumed 'T_CHARACTER'"
you need to compile PHP with the "tokenizer" flag.
## For People with open_basedir restriction error
If you get an error like:
file_get_contents(): open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/etc/mime.types) is not within the
allowed path(s): (/srv/http/:/home/:/tmp/:/usr/share/pear/)
Just copy the file `/etc/mime.types` into the folder `/home` and put
this in your configuration file:
$cfg['idf_mimetypes_db'] = '/home/mime.types';
## FreeBSD Installation
You need to install `/usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions` which contains
the Standard PHP Library (SPL).
## Using a SMTP server with authentication
If your SMTP server requires authentication, for example,
*smtp.gmail.com*, you can use the following email configuration:
$cfg['send_emails'] = true;
$cfg['mail_backend'] = 'smtp';
$cfg['mail_auth'] = true;
$cfg['mail_host'] = 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com';
$cfg['mail_port'] = 465;
$cfg['mail_username'] = 'YOURGMAILADDRESS';
$cfg['mail_password'] = 'YOURPASSWORD';
Check with your provider to get the right settings.
## Git Daemon on Ubuntu Karmic
If you have problems getting it to run, you can follow this procedure
proposed by Mathias in ticket 369.
1. Install git-daemon-run in addition to git-core
2. Edit /etc/sv/git-daemon/run to look as follows:
exec 2>&1
echo 'git-daemon starting.'
exec chpst -ugit:git \
/usr/lib/git-core/git-daemon \
--reuseaddr \
--syslog \
--verbose \
--base-path=/home/git/repositories \
3. Restart git-daemon-run
sv restart git-daemon
## If Subversion is not working
If you access a Subversion server with a self-signed certificate, you
may have problems as your certificate is not trusted, check the
[procedure provided here][svnfix] to solve the problem.
[svnfix]: http://projects.ceondo.com/p/indefero/issues/319/#ic1358
## If the registration links are not working
If You have standard instalaction of PHP ie in Debian, php.ini sets
mbstring.func_overload to value "2" for overloading str*
functions. You need to prevent the overload as it does not make sense
anyway (magic in the background is bad!).
See the [corresponding ticket][reglink].
[reglink]: http://projects.ceondo.com/p/indefero/issues/481/ |