* refactor out the common menu code from several base*.html classes into main-menu.html and put the raw links into a unordered list (which makes it easier to create dynamic menus as we cannot insert block items into inline items in strict mode) * query the list of available projects on every request and set them for every template in Middleware.php * make the popup menu pretty
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<a href="#title" accesskey="2"></a>
<ul id="main-menu">
{if !$user.isAnonymous()}
{aurl 'url', 'idf_dashboard'}
<li>{blocktrans}Welcome, <strong><a class="userw" href="{$url}">{$user}</a></strong>.{/blocktrans}
<a href="{url 'IDF_Views::logout'}">{trans 'Sign Out'}</a></li>{else}<li>
<a href="{url 'IDF_Views::login'}">{trans 'Sign in or create your account'}</a></li>
{/if}<li id="project-list"><a href="{url 'IDF_Views::index'}">{trans 'Project List'} ▾</a>
{if $allProjects.count() != 0}
<ul>{foreach $allProjects as $p}
<li>{if $p.private}<img style="vertical-align: text-bottom;" src="{media '/idf/img/lock.png'}" alt="{trans 'Private project'}" /> {/if}
<a href="{url 'IDF_Views_Project::home', array($p.shortname)}">{$p}</a></li>
{/if}</li>{if $isAdmin}<li><a href="{url 'IDF_Views_Admin::projects'}">{trans 'Forge Management'}</a></li>{/if}<li>
<a href="{url 'IDF_Views::faq'}" title="{trans 'Help and accessibility features'}">{trans 'Help'}</a></li>
{if $allProjects.count() != 0}
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#project-list').bind('mouseenter', function(ev) {
}).bind('mouseleave', function(ev) {