Thomas Keller af3df142d4 First attempt on a monotone plugin which creates a new database upon
project creation and adds the new server to the running usher instance.
If everything goes well, the usher instance is told to reload its
configuration, so the new server / database is picked up and started
2010-08-28 23:10:08 +00:00

332 lines
12 KiB

/* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
# This file is part of InDefero, an open source project management application.
# Copyright (C) 2008 Céondo Ltd and contributors.
# InDefero is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# InDefero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
$cfg = array();
# You must set them to false once everything is running ok.
$cfg['debug'] = true;
# It will help you catch errors at beginning when configuring your
# SCM backend. It must be turned off in production.
$cfg['debug_scm'] = false;
# Note: By default, InDefero will not manage the repositories for
# you, you can enable the repositories management with the
# built-in plugins. The documentation of the plugins is available
# in the `doc/` folder.
# If you have a single git repository, just put the full path to it
# without trailing slash. The path is the path to the git database,
# so you need to include the /.git folder.
# For example: '/path/to/my/project/.git'
# If you have multiple repositories, you need to put %s where you
# want the shortname of the project to be replaced.
# For example:
# - You have many projects on your local computer and want to use
# InDefero to see them. Put: '/home/yourlogin/Projects/%s/.git'
# - You have many projects on a remote server with only "bare" git
# repositories. Put: '/home/git/repositories/%s.git'
# ** Do not forget to give read access to these folders to your www
# ** user. For example, adding www to the git group.
$cfg['git_repositories'] = '/home/git/repositories/%s.git';
# Like for the git_repositories definition, the path can contains %s
# and it will be automatically replaced. You can ignore this
# configuration variable as it is only for information use in the
# tree view.
$cfg['git_remote_url'] = 'git://localhost/%s.git';
$cfg['git_write_remote_url'] = 'git@localhost:%s.git';
# Same as for git, you can have multiple repositories, one for each
# project or a single one for all the projects.
# In the case of subversion, the admin of a project can also select a
# remote repository from the web interface. From the web interface
# you can define a local repository, local repositories are defined
# here. This if for security reasons.
$cfg['svn_repositories'] = 'file:///home/svn/repositories/%s';
$cfg['svn_remote_url'] = 'http://localhost/svn/%s';
# Path to the monotone binary
$cfg['mtn_path'] = 'mtn';
# Additional options for the started monotone process
$cfg['mtn_opts'] = array('--no-workspace', '--norc');
# You can setup monotone for use with indefero in two ways:
# 1) One database for everything:
# Set 'mtn_repositories' below to a fixed database path, such as
# '/home/mtn/repositories/'
# Pro: - easy to setup and to manage
# Con: - while read access can be configured per-branch,
# granting write access rights to a user means that
# he can write anything in the global database
# - database lock problem: the database from which
# indefero reads its data cannot be used to serve the
# contents to the users, as the serve process locks
# the database
# 2) One database for every project with 'usher':
# Set 'mtn_remote_url' below to a string which matches your setup.
# Again, the '%s' placeholder will be expanded to the project's
# short name. Note that 'mtn_remote_url' is used as internal
# URI (to access the data for indefero) as well as external URI
# (for end users) at the same time.
# Then download and configure 'usher'
# (mtn clone mtn://
# which acts as proxy in front of all single project databases.
# Usher's server names should be mapped to the project's short names,
# so you end up with something like this for every project:
# server "project"
# local "-d" "/home/mtn/repositories/" "*"
# Alternatively if you assign every project a unique DNS such as
# '', you can also configure it like this:
# host ""
# local "-d" "/home/mtn/repositories/" "*"
# Pro: - read and write access can be granted per project
# - no database locking issues
# - one public server running on the one well-known port
# Con: - harder to setup
# Usher can also be used to forward sync requests to remote servers,
# please consult its README file for more information.
# monotone also allows to use SSH as transport protocol, so if you do not plan
# to setup a netsync server as described above, then just enter a URI like
# 'ssh://' in 'mtn_remote_url'.
$cfg['mtn_repositories'] = '/home/mtn/repositories/';
$cfg['mtn_remote_url'] = 'mtn://';
# Whether the particular database(s) are accessed locally (via automate stdio)
# or remotely (via automate remote_stdio). 'remote' is the default for
# netsync setups, while 'local' access should be choosed for ssh access.
# Note that you need to setup the hook 'get_remote_automate_permitted' for
# each remotely accessible database. A full HOWTO set this up is beyond this
# scope, please refer to the documentation of monotone and / or ask on the
# mailing list ( or IRC channel
# (
$cfg['mtn_db_access'] = 'remote';
# If configured, this allows basic control of a running usher process
# via the forge administration
# 'host' and 'port' must be set to the specific bits from usher's
# configured 'adminaddr', 'user' and 'pass' must match the values set for
# the configured 'userpass' combination. The 'rcfile' variable must point
# to the full (writable) path of the usher configuration file which gets
# updated when new projects are added
#$cfg['mtn_usher'] = array(
# 'host' => 'localhost',
# 'port' => 12345,
# 'user' => 'admin',
# 'pass' => 'admin',
# 'rcfile' => '/path/to/usher.conf',
# Mercurial repositories path
#$cfg['mercurial_repositories'] = '/home/mercurial/repositories/%s';
#$cfg['mercurial_remote_url'] = '';
# admins will get an email in case of errors in the system in non
# debug mode.
$cfg['admins'] = array(
array('Admin', ''),
# Email configuration
$cfg['send_emails'] = true;
$cfg['mail_backend'] = 'smtp';
$cfg['mail_host'] = 'localhost';
$cfg['mail_port'] = 25;
# Paths/Url configuration.
# Examples:
# You have:
# Put:
# $cfg['idf_base'] = '/myfolder/index.php';
# $cfg['url_base'] = '';
# You have mod_rewrite:
# Put:
# $cfg['idf_base'] = '';
# $cfg['url_base'] = '';
$cfg['idf_base'] = '/index.php';
$cfg['url_base'] = 'http://localhost';
# Url to access the media folder which is in the www folder
# of the archive
$cfg['url_media'] = 'http://localhost/media';
# Url to access a folder in which the files you upload through
# the downloads tab will be stored.
$cfg['url_upload'] = 'http://localhost/media/upload';
# Path to the upload folder
$cfg['upload_path'] = '/home/www/indefero/www/media/upload';
# The following path *MUST NOT* be accessible through a web browser
# as user will be able to upload .html, .php files and this can
# create *TERRIBLE* security issues. In this folder, the attachments
# to the issues will be uploaded and we do not restrict the content type.
$cfg['upload_issue_path'] = '/home/www/indefero/attachments';
# write here a long random string unique for this installation. This
# is critical to put a long string, with at least 40 characters.
$cfg['secret_key'] = '';
# the sender of all the emails.
$cfg['from_email'] = '';
# Email address for the bounced messages.
$cfg['bounce_email'] = '';
# Temporary folder where the script is writing the compiled templates,
# cached data and other temporary resources.
# It must be writeable by your webserver instance.
# It is mandatory if you are using the template system.
$cfg['tmp_folder'] = '/tmp';
# Database configuration
$cfg['db_login'] = 'www';
$cfg['db_password'] = '';
$cfg['db_server'] = '';
$cfg['db_version'] = '5.1'; # Only needed for MySQL
# If you want to have different installations with the same DB
$cfg['db_table_prefix'] = 'indefero_';
# This is not because of problems with the quality of the SQLite
# driver or with SQLite itself, this is due to the lack of migration
# support in Pluf for SQLite, this means we cannot modify the DB
# easily once it is loaded with data.
$cfg['db_engine'] = 'PostgreSQL'; # SQLite is also well tested or MySQL
$cfg['db_database'] = 'website'; # put absolute path to the db if you
# are using SQLite.
# The extension of the downloads are limited. You can add extra
# extensions here. The list must start with a space.
# $cfg['idf_extra_upload_ext'] = ' ext1 ext2';
# By default, the size of the downloads is limited to 2MB.
# The php.ini upload_max_filesize configuration setting will
# always have precedence.
# $cfg['max_upload_size'] = 2097152; // Size in bytes
# Time zone
# $cfg['time_zone'] = 'Europe/Berlin';
$cfg['pear_path'] = '/usr/share/php';
$cfg['login_success_url'] = $cfg['url_base'].$cfg['idf_base'];
$cfg['after_logout_page'] = $cfg['url_base'].$cfg['idf_base'];
# Caching of the scm commands.
$cfg['cache_engine'] = 'Pluf_Cache_File';
$cfg['cache_timeout'] = 300;
$cfg['cache_file_folder'] = $cfg['tmp_folder'].'/cache';
# The folder in which the templates of the application are located.
$cfg['template_folders'] = array(
$cfg['installed_apps'] = array('Pluf', 'IDF');
$cfg['pluf_use_rowpermission'] = true;
$cfg['middleware_classes'] = array(
$cfg['template_context_processors'] = array('IDF_Middleware_ContextPreProcessor');
$cfg['idf_views'] = dirname(__FILE__).'/urls.php';
# available languages
$cfg['languages'] = array('en', 'fr');
# SCM base configuration
$cfg['allowed_scm'] = array('git' => 'IDF_Scm_Git',
'svn' => 'IDF_Scm_Svn',
'mercurial' => 'IDF_Scm_Mercurial',
'mtn' => 'IDF_Scm_Monotone',
# If you want to use another memtypes database
# $cfg['idf_mimetypes_db'] = '/etc/mime.types';
# Extra text files when displaying source
# $cfg['idf_extra_text_ext'] = 'ext1 ext2 ext3';
# If you can execute the shell commands executed to get info
# from the scm with the user of your PHP process but it is
# not working from within PHP, this can be due to the environment
# variables not being set correctly. Note the trailing space.
# $cfg['idf_exec_cmd_prefix'] = '/usr/bin/env -i ';
# Path to the SCM binaries. These binaries are not necessarily in
# the path of your webserver or fastcgi process. In that case you
# may need to set the path manually here. This is the case with OSX.
# To know which path you need to provide, just run:
# $ which git
# from the command line. This will give you the path to git.
# $cfg['svn_path'] = 'svn';
# $cfg['svnlook_path'] = 'svnlook';
# $cfg['svnadmin_path'] = 'svnadmin';
# $cfg['hg_path'] = 'hg';
# $cfg['git_path'] = 'git';
# If you do not want to have calculations of the repositories, attachments
# and downloads size, set it to true. You can set to false some
# times to times to check the size.
# $cfg['idf_no_size_check'] = false;
return $cfg;