project = $request->project;
$this->request = $request;
// Replace like in the issue text
$tag = new IDF_Template_IssueComment();
$text = $tag->start($text, $request, false, false, false, false);
// Replace [[[path/to/file.mdtext, commit]]] with embedding
// the content of the file into the wki page
if ($this->request->rights['hasSourceAccess']) {
$text = IDF_Template_safePregReplace('#\[\[\[([^\,]+)(?:, ([^/]+))?\]\]\]#im',
array($this, 'callbackEmbeddedDoc'),
// Replace [Page]([[PageName]]) with corresponding link to the page, with link text being Page.
$text = IDF_Template_safePregReplace('#\[([^\]]+)\]\(\[\[([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)\]\]\)#im',
array($this, 'callbackWikiPage'),
// Replace [[PageName]] with corresponding link to the page.
$text = IDF_Template_safePregReplace('#\[\[([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)\]\]#im',
array($this, 'callbackWikiPageNoName'),
$filter = new IDF_Template_MarkdownPrefilter();
echo $filter->go(Pluf_Text_MarkDown_parse($text));
function callbackWikiPageNoName($m)
$m[2] = $m[1]; //Set the link text to be the same as the page name.
return $this->callbackWikiPage($m);
function callbackWikiPage($m)
$sql = new Pluf_SQL('project=%s AND title=%s',
array($this->project->id, $m[2]));
$pages = Pluf::factory('IDF_WikiPage')->getList(array('filter'=>$sql->gen()));
if ($pages->count() != 1 and $this->request->rights['hasWikiAccess']
and !$this->request->user->isAnonymous()) {
return '
if (!$this->request->rights['hasWikiAccess'] or $pages->count() == 0) {
return $m[1];
return ''.$m[1].'';
function callbackEmbeddedDoc($m)
$scm = IDF_Scm::get($this->request->project);
if (!$scm->isAvailable()) {
return $m[0];
$view_source = new IDF_Views_Source();
$match = array('dummy', $this->request->project->shortname);
$match[] = (isset($m[2])) ? $m[2] : $scm->getMainBranch();
$match[] = $m[1];
$res = $view_source->getFile($this->request, $match);
if ($res->status_code != 200) {
return $m[0];
$info = pathinfo($m[1]);
$fileinfo = array($res->headers['Content-Type'], $m[1],
isset($info['extension']) ? $info['extension'] : 'bin');
if (!IDF_FileUtil::isText($fileinfo)) {
return $m[0];
return $res->content;