processProjectCreate($params['project']); break; case 'IDF_Project::membershipsUpdated': $plug->processMembershipsUpdated($params['project']); break; case 'IDF_Project::preDelete': $plug->processProjectDelete($params['project']); break; case 'IDF_Key::postSave': $plug->processKeyCreate($params['key']); break; case 'IDF_Key::preDelete': $plug->processKeyDelete($params['key']); break; case 'mtnpostpush.php::run': $plug->processSyncTimeline($params['project']); break; } } /** * Initial steps to setup a new monotone project: * * 1) run mtn db init to initialize a new database underknees * 'mtn_repositories' * 2) create a new server key in the same directory * 3) create a new client key for IDF and store it in the project conf * 4) setup the configuration * 5) add the database as new local server in the usher configuration * 6) reload the running usher instance so it acknowledges the new server * * The initial right setup happens in processMembershipsUpdated() * * @param IDF_Project */ function processProjectCreate($project) { if ($project->getConf()->getVal('scm') != 'mtn') { return; } if (Pluf::f('mtn_db_access', 'local') == 'local') { return; } $projecttempl = Pluf::f('mtn_repositories', false); if ($projecttempl === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception( __('"mtn_repositories" must be defined in your configuration file.') ); } $usher_config = Pluf::f('mtn_usher_conf', false); if (!$usher_config || !is_writable($usher_config)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception( __('"mtn_usher_conf" does not exist or is not writable.') ); } $mtnpostpush = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../scripts/mtn-post-push'); if (!file_exists($mtnpostpush)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not find mtn-post-push script "%s".'), $mtnpostpush )); } // check some static configuration files $confdir = Pluf::f('mtn_confdir', false); if ($confdir === false) { $confdir = dirname(__FILE__).'/SyncMonotone/'; } $confdir_contents = array( '', '', 'hooks.d/', // this is linked and not copied to be able to update // the list of read-only commands on upgrades 'hooks.d/indefero_authorize_remote_automate.conf', 'hooks.d/indefero_authorize_remote_automate.lua', 'hooks.d/', 'hooks.d/indefero_post_push.lua', ); if (!$project->private) { // this is linked and not copied to be able to update // the list of read-only commands on upgrades $confdir_contents[] = 'hooks.d/indefero_authorize_remote_automate.conf'; } // check whether we should handle additional files in the config directory $confdir_extra_contents = Pluf::f('mtn_confdir_extra', false); if ($confdir_extra_contents !== false) { $confdir_contents = array_merge($confdir_contents, $confdir_extra_contents); } foreach ($confdir_contents as $content) { if (!file_exists($confdir.$content)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('The configuration file %s is missing.'), $content )); } } $shortname = $project->shortname; $projectpath = sprintf($projecttempl, $shortname); if (file_exists($projectpath)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('The project path %s already exists.'), $projectpath )); } if (!mkdir($projectpath)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('The project path %s could not be created.'), $projectpath )); } // // step 1) create a new database // $dbfile = $projectpath.'/'; $cmd = sprintf('db init -d %s', escapeshellarg($dbfile)); self::_mtn_exec($cmd); // // step 2) create a server key // // try to parse the key's domain part from the remote_url's host // name, otherwise fall back to the configured Apache server name $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $remote_url = Pluf::f('mtn_remote_url'); if (($parsed = parse_url($remote_url)) !== false && !empty($parsed['host'])) { $server = $parsed['host']; } $serverkey = $shortname.'-server@'.$server; $cmd = sprintf('au generate_key --confdir=%s %s ""', escapeshellarg($projectpath), escapeshellarg($serverkey) ); self::_mtn_exec($cmd); // // step 3) create a client key, and save it in IDF // $keydir = Pluf::f('tmp_folder').'/mtn-client-keys'; if (!file_exists($keydir)) { if (!mkdir($keydir)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('The key directory %s could not be created.'), $keydir )); } } $clientkey_name = $shortname.'-client@'.$server; $cmd = sprintf('au generate_key --keydir=%s %s ""', escapeshellarg($keydir), escapeshellarg($clientkey_name) ); $keyinfo = self::_mtn_exec($cmd); $parsed_keyinfo = array(); try { $parsed_keyinfo = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($keyinfo); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not parse key information: %s'), $e->getMessage() )); } $clientkey_hash = $parsed_keyinfo[0][1]['hash']; $clientkey_file = $keydir . '/' . $clientkey_name . '.' . $clientkey_hash; $clientkey_data = file_get_contents($clientkey_file); $project->getConf()->setVal('mtn_client_key_name', $clientkey_name); $project->getConf()->setVal('mtn_client_key_hash', $clientkey_hash); $project->getConf()->setVal('mtn_client_key_data', $clientkey_data); // add the public client key to the server $cmd = sprintf('au get_public_key --keydir=%s %s', escapeshellarg($keydir), escapeshellarg($clientkey_hash) ); $clientkey_pubdata = self::_mtn_exec($cmd); $cmd = sprintf('au put_public_key --db=%s %s', escapeshellarg($dbfile), escapeshellarg($clientkey_pubdata) ); self::_mtn_exec($cmd); // // step 4) setup the configuration // // we assume that all confdir entries ending with a slash mean a // directory that has to be created, that all files ending on ".in" // have to be processed and copied in place and that all other files // just need to be symlinked from the original location foreach ($confdir_contents as $content) { $filepath = $projectpath.'/'.$content; if (substr($content, -1) == '/') { if (!mkdir($filepath)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not create configuration directory "%s"'), $filepath )); } continue; } if (substr($content, -3) != '.in') { if (!symlink($confdir.$content, $filepath)) { IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not create symlink "%s"'), $filepath )); } continue; } $filecontents = file_get_contents($confdir.'/'.$content); $filecontents = str_replace( array('%%MTNPOSTPUSH%%', '%%PROJECT%%', '%%MTNCLIENTKEY%%'), array($mtnpostpush, $shortname, $clientkey_hash), $filecontents ); // remove the .in $filepath = substr($filepath, 0, -3); if (file_put_contents($filepath, $filecontents, LOCK_EX) === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not write configuration file "%s"'), $filepath )); } } // // step 5) read in and append the usher config with the new server // $usher_rc = file_get_contents($usher_config); $parsed_config = array(); try { $parsed_config = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($usher_rc); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not parse usher configuration in "%s": %s'), $usher_config, $e->getMessage() )); } // ensure we haven't configured a server with this name already foreach ($parsed_config as $stanzas) { foreach ($stanzas as $stanza_line) { if ($stanza_line['key'] == 'server' && $stanza_line['values'][0] == $shortname) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('usher configuration already contains a server '. 'entry named "%s"'), $shortname )); } } } $new_server = array( array('key' => 'server', 'values' => array($shortname)), array('key' => 'local', 'values' => array( '--confdir', $projectpath, '-d', $dbfile, '--timestamps', '--ticker=dot' )), ); $parsed_config[] = $new_server; $usher_rc = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::compile($parsed_config); // FIXME: more sanity - what happens on failing writes? we do not // have a backup copy of usher.conf around... if (file_put_contents($usher_config, $usher_rc, LOCK_EX) === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not write usher configuration file "%s"'), $usher_config )); } // // step 6) reload usher to pick up the new configuration // IDF_Scm_Monotone_Usher::reload(); } /** * Updates the read / write permissions for the monotone database * * @param IDF_Project */ public function processMembershipsUpdated($project) { if ($project->getConf()->getVal('scm') != 'mtn') { return; } if (Pluf::f('mtn_db_access', 'local') == 'local') { return; } $mtn = IDF_Scm_Monotone::factory($project); $stdio = $mtn->getStdio(); $projectpath = self::_get_project_path($project); $auth_ids = self::_get_authorized_user_ids($project); $key_ids = array(); foreach ($auth_ids as $auth_id) { $sql = new Pluf_SQL('user=%s', array($auth_id)); $keys = Pluf::factory('IDF_Key')->getList(array('filter' => $sql->gen())); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($key->getType() != 'mtn') continue; $stdio->exec(array('put_public_key', $key->content)); $key_ids[] = $key->getMtnId(); } } $write_permissions = implode("\n", $key_ids); $rcfile = $projectpath.'/write-permissions'; if (file_put_contents($rcfile, $write_permissions, LOCK_EX) === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not write write-permissions file "%s"'), $rcfile )); } if ($project->private) { $stanza = array( array('key' => 'pattern', 'values' => array('*')), ); foreach ($key_ids as $key_id) { $stanza[] = array('key' => 'allow', 'values' => array($key_id)); } } else { $stanza = array( array('key' => 'pattern', 'values' => array('*')), array('key' => 'allow', 'values' => array('*')), ); } $read_permissions = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::compile(array($stanza)); $rcfile = $projectpath.'/read-permissions'; if (file_put_contents($rcfile, $read_permissions, LOCK_EX) === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not write read-permissions file "%s"'), $rcfile )); } // link / unlink the read-only automate permissions for the project $confdir = Pluf::f('mtn_confdir', false); if ($confdir === false) { $confdir = dirname(__FILE__).'/SyncMonotone/'; } $file = 'hooks.d/indefero_authorize_remote_automate.conf'; $projectfile = $projectpath.'/'.$file; $templatefile = $confdir.'/'.$file; $serverRestartRequired = false; if ($project->private && file_exists($projectfile) && is_link($projectfile)) { if (!unlink($projectfile)) { IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not remove symlink "%s"'), $projectfile )); } $serverRestartRequired = true; } else if (!$project->private && !file_exists($projectfile)) { if (!symlink($templatefile, $projectfile)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not create symlink "%s"'), $projectfile )); } $serverRestartRequired = true; } if ($serverRestartRequired) { // FIXME: we should actually use stopServer() here, but this // seems to be ignored when the server should be started // again immediately afterwards IDF_Scm_Monotone_Usher::killServer($project->shortname); IDF_Scm_Monotone_Usher::startServer($project->shortname); } } /** * Clean up after a mtn project was deleted * * @param IDF_Project */ public function processProjectDelete($project) { if ($project->getConf()->getVal('scm') != 'mtn') { return; } if (Pluf::f('mtn_db_access', 'local') == 'local') { return; } $usher_config = Pluf::f('mtn_usher_conf', false); if (!$usher_config || !is_writable($usher_config)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception( __('"mtn_usher_conf" does not exist or is not writable.') ); } $shortname = $project->shortname; IDF_Scm_Monotone_Usher::killServer($shortname); $projecttempl = Pluf::f('mtn_repositories', false); if ($projecttempl === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception( __('"mtn_repositories" must be defined in your configuration file.') ); } $projectpath = sprintf($projecttempl, $shortname); if (file_exists($projectpath)) { if (!self::_delete_recursive($projectpath)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('One or more paths underknees %s could not be deleted.'), $projectpath )); } } $keydir = Pluf::f('tmp_folder').'/mtn-client-keys'; $keyname = $project->getConf()->getVal('mtn_client_key_name', false); $keyhash = $project->getConf()->getVal('mtn_client_key_hash', false); if ($keyname && $keyhash && file_exists($keydir .'/'. $keyname . '.' . $keyhash)) { if (!@unlink($keydir .'/'. $keyname . '.' . $keyhash)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not delete client private key %s'), $keyname )); } } $usher_rc = file_get_contents($usher_config); $parsed_config = array(); try { $parsed_config = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($usher_rc); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not parse usher configuration in "%s": %s'), $usher_config, $e->getMessage() )); } foreach ($parsed_config as $idx => $stanzas) { foreach ($stanzas as $stanza_line) { if ($stanza_line['key'] == 'server' && $stanza_line['values'][0] == $shortname) { unset($parsed_config[$idx]); break; } } } $usher_rc = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::compile($parsed_config); // FIXME: more sanity - what happens on failing writes? we do not // have a backup copy of usher.conf around... if (file_put_contents($usher_config, $usher_rc, LOCK_EX) === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not write usher configuration file "%s"'), $usher_config )); } IDF_Scm_Monotone_Usher::reload(); } /** * Adds the (monotone) key to all monotone projects of this forge * where the user of the key has write access to */ public function processKeyCreate($key) { if ($key->getType() != 'mtn') { return; } if (Pluf::f('mtn_db_access', 'local') == 'local') { return; } foreach (Pluf::factory('IDF_Project')->getList() as $project) { $conf = new IDF_Conf(); $conf->setProject($project); $scm = $conf->getVal('scm', 'mtn'); if ($scm != 'mtn') continue; $projectpath = self::_get_project_path($project); $auth_ids = self::_get_authorized_user_ids($project); if (!in_array($key->user, $auth_ids)) continue; $mtn_key_id = $key->getMtnId(); // if the project is not defined as private, all people have // read access already, so we don't need to write anything // and we currently do not check if read-permissions really // contains // pattern "*" // allow "*" // which is the default for non-private projects if ($project->private == true) { $read_perms = file_get_contents($projectpath.'/read-permissions'); $parsed_read_perms = array(); try { $parsed_read_perms = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($read_perms); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not parse read-permissions for project "%s": %s'), $shortname, $e->getMessage() )); } $wildcard_section = null; for ($i=0; $i 'pattern', 'values' => array('*')) ); $parsed_read_perms[] =& $wildcard_section; } $key_found = false; foreach ($wildcard_section as $line) { if ($line['key'] == 'allow' && $line['values'][0] == $mtn_key_id) { $key_found = true; break; } } if (!$key_found) { $wildcard_section[] = array( 'key' => 'allow', 'values' => array($mtn_key_id) ); } $read_perms = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::compile($parsed_read_perms); if (file_put_contents($projectpath.'/read-permissions', $read_perms, LOCK_EX) === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not write read-permissions for project "%s"'), $shortname )); } } $write_perms = file_get_contents($projectpath.'/write-permissions'); $lines = preg_split("/(\n|\r\n)/", $write_perms, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (!in_array('*', $lines) && !in_array($mtn_key_id, $lines)) { $lines[] = $mtn_key_id; } if (file_put_contents($projectpath.'/write-permissions', implode("\n", $lines) . "\n", LOCK_EX) === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not write write-permissions file for project "%s"'), $shortname )); } $mtn = IDF_Scm_Monotone::factory($project); $stdio = $mtn->getStdio(); $stdio->exec(array('put_public_key', $key->content)); } } /** * Removes the (monotone) key from all monotone projects of this forge * where the user of the key has write access to */ public function processKeyDelete($key) { try { if ($key->getType() != 'mtn') { return; } } catch (Exception $e) { // bad key type, skip it. return; } if (Pluf::f('mtn_db_access', 'local') == 'local') { return; } foreach (Pluf::factory('IDF_Project')->getList() as $project) { $conf = new IDF_Conf(); $conf->setProject($project); $scm = $conf->getVal('scm', 'mtn'); if ($scm != 'mtn') continue; $projectpath = self::_get_project_path($project); $auth_ids = self::_get_authorized_user_ids($project); if (!in_array($key->user, $auth_ids)) continue; $mtn_key_id = $key->getMtnId(); // if the project is not defined as private, all people have // read access already, so we don't need to write anything // and we currently do not check if read-permissions really // contains // pattern "*" // allow "*" // which is the default for non-private projects if ($project->private) { $read_perms = file_get_contents($projectpath.'/read-permissions'); $parsed_read_perms = array(); try { $parsed_read_perms = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($read_perms); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('Could not parse read-permissions for project "%s": %s'), $shortname, $e->getMessage() )); } // while we add new keys only to an existing wild-card entry // we remove dropped keys from all sections since the key // should be simply unavailable for all of them for ($h=0; $hgetStdio(); // if the public key did not sign any revisions, drop it from // the database as well try { if (strlen($stdio->exec(array('select', 'k:' . $mtn_key_id))) == 0) { $stdio->exec(array('drop_public_key', $mtn_key_id)); } } catch (IDF_Scm_Exception $e) { if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'there is no key named') === false) throw $e; } } } /** * Update the timeline after a push * */ public function processSyncTimeline($project_name) { try { $project = IDF_Project::getOr404($project_name); } catch (Pluf_HTTP_Error404 $e) { Pluf_Log::event(array( 'IDF_Plugin_SyncMonotone::processSyncTimeline', 'Project not found.', array($project_name, $params) )); return false; // Project not found } Pluf_Log::debug(array( 'IDF_Plugin_SyncMonotone::processSyncTimeline', 'Project found', $project_name, $project->id )); IDF_Scm::syncTimeline($project, true); Pluf_Log::event(array( 'IDF_Plugin_SyncMonotone::processSyncTimeline', 'sync', array($project_name, $project->id) )); } private static function _get_authorized_user_ids($project) { $mem = $project->getMembershipData(); $members = array_merge((array)$mem['members'], (array)$mem['owners'], (array)$mem['authorized']); $userids = array(); foreach ($members as $member) { $userids[] = $member->id; } return $userids; } private static function _get_project_path($project) { $projecttempl = Pluf::f('mtn_repositories', false); if ($projecttempl === false) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception( __('"mtn_repositories" must be defined in your configuration file.') ); } $projectpath = sprintf($projecttempl, $project->shortname); if (!file_exists($projectpath)) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('The project path %s does not exists.'), $projectpath )); } return $projectpath; } private static function _mtn_exec($cmd) { $fullcmd = sprintf('%s %s %s', Pluf::f('idf_exec_cmd_prefix', ''), Pluf::f('mtn_path', 'mtn'), $cmd ); $output = $return = null; exec($fullcmd, $output, $return); if ($return != 0) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __('The command "%s" could not be executed.'), $cmd )); } return implode("\n", $output); } private static function _delete_recursive($path) { if (is_file($path) || is_link($path)) { return @unlink($path); } if (is_dir($path)) { $scan = glob(rtrim($path, '/') . '/*'); $status = 0; foreach ($scan as $subpath) { $status |= self::_delete_recursive($subpath); } $status |= rmdir($path); return $status; } } }