project to the project. * * The url to match a project is in the format /p/(\w+)/whatever * or /api/p/(\w+)/whatever. This means that it will not try to * match on /login/ or /logout/. * * @param Pluf_HTTP_Request The request * @return bool false or redirect. */ function process_request(&$request) { $match = array(); if (preg_match('#^/(?:api/p|p|r)/([\-\w]+)/?#', $request->query, $match)) { try { $request->project = IDF_Project::getOr404($match[1]); } catch (Pluf_HTTP_Error404 $e) { return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_NotFound($request); } $request->conf = new IDF_Conf(); $request->conf->setProject($request->project); self::setRights($request); } return false; } public static function setRights(&$request) { $ak = array('downloads_access_rights' => 'hasDownloadsAccess', 'wiki_access_rights' => 'hasWikiAccess', 'review_access_rights' => 'hasReviewAccess', 'source_access_rights' => 'hasSourceAccess', 'issues_access_rights' => 'hasIssuesAccess'); $request->rights = array(); foreach ($ak as $key=>$val) { $request->rights[$val] = (true === IDF_Precondition::accessTabGeneric($request, $key)); } } /** * Update the template tags and modifiers to not have them in the config. * * This is here at the moment because we do not want to put that * in a IDF_Template class just for one method. * */ public static function updateTemplateTagsModifiers($sender, &$params) { $params['tags'] = array_merge($params['tags'], array( 'hotkey' => 'IDF_Template_HotKey', 'issuetext' => 'IDF_Template_IssueComment', 'timeline' => 'IDF_Template_TimelineFragment', 'markdown' => 'IDF_Template_Markdown', 'showuser' => 'IDF_Template_ShowUser', 'ashowuser' => 'IDF_Template_AssignShowUser', 'appversion' => 'IDF_Template_AppVersion', )); $params['modifiers'] = array_merge($params['modifiers'], array( 'size' => 'IDF_Views_Source_PrettySize', 'ssize' => 'IDF_Views_Source_PrettySizeSimple', 'shorten' => 'IDF_Views_Source_ShortenString', )); } } function IDF_Middleware_ContextPreProcessor($request) { $c = array(); $c['request'] = $request; $c['isAdmin'] = ($request->user->administrator or $request->user->staff); if (isset($request->project)) { $c['project'] = $request->project; $c['isOwner'] = $request->user->hasPerm('IDF.project-owner', $request->project); $c['isMember'] = $request->user->hasPerm('IDF.project-member', $request->project); $c = array_merge($c, $request->rights); } $c['usherConfigured'] = Pluf::f("mtn_usher_conf", null) !== null; $c['allProjects'] = IDF_Views::getProjects($request->user); return $c; }