fields['labels_issue_template'] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar( array('required' => false, 'label' => __('Define an issue template to hint to the reporter to provide certain information'), 'initial' => self::init_template, 'widget_attrs' => array('rows' => 7, 'cols' => 75), 'widget' => 'Pluf_Form_Widget_TextareaInput', )); $this->fields['labels_issue_open'] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar( array('required' => true, 'label' => __('Open issue status values'), 'initial' => self::init_open, 'widget' => 'Pluf_Form_Widget_TextareaInput', 'widget_attrs' => array('rows' => 5, 'cols' => 75), )); $this->fields['labels_issue_closed'] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar( array('required' => true, 'label' => __('Closed issue status values'), 'initial' => self::init_closed, 'widget_attrs' => array('rows' => 7, 'cols' => 75), 'widget' => 'Pluf_Form_Widget_TextareaInput', )); $this->fields['labels_issue_predefined'] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar( array('required' => true, 'label' => __('Predefined issue labels'), 'initial' => self::init_predefined, 'help_text' => __('The first "Type:" and "Priority:" entries found in this list are automatically chosen as defaults for new issues.'), 'widget_attrs' => array('rows' => 7, 'cols' => 75), 'widget' => 'Pluf_Form_Widget_TextareaInput', )); $this->fields['labels_issue_one_max'] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar( array('required' => false, 'label' => __('Each issue may have at most one label with each of these classes'), 'initial' => self::init_one_max, 'widget_attrs' => array('size' => 60), )); $this->fields['issue_relations'] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar( array('required' => true, 'label' => __('Issue relations'), 'initial' => self::init_relations, 'help_text' => __('You can define bidirectional relations like "is related to" or "blocks, is blocked by".'), 'widget_attrs' => array('rows' => 7, 'cols' => 75), 'widget' => 'Pluf_Form_Widget_TextareaInput', )); } }