InDefero was originally created during summer 2008
by Loïc d'Anterroches with the support of Céondo Ltd.
Much appreciated contributors (in alphabetical order):
Brian Armstrong
Ludovic Bellière
Adrien Bustany
Baptiste Durand-Bret
Manuel Eidenberger
Raphaël Emourgeon
David Feeney
Patrick Georgi
Ciaran Gultnieks
Julien Issler
Jerry - Chinese translation
Benjamin Jorand - Mercurial support
Mehdi Kabab
Thomas Keller - Monotone support, German translation
Denis Kot - Russian translation
Nicolas Lassalle - Subversion support
William Martin
Charles Melbye
Baptiste Michaud - Subversion synchronization
Sindre R. Myren
Andrew Nguyen
Fernando Sayago Gil - Spanish translation
Vladimir Solomatin
Samuel Suther - German translation
Janez Troha - Slovenian translation
Jakub Viták - Czech translation
And all the nice users who spent time reporting issues and promoting
the project. The project could not live without them.