/* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
# This file is part of InDefero, an open source project management application.
# Copyright (C) 2008 CĂ©ondo Ltd and contributors.
# InDefero is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# InDefero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

$cfg = array();

// to start with, it can be practical.
$cfg['debug'] = false;

// if you have a single git repository, just put the full path to it
// without trailing slash.
// If within a folder you have a series of bare git repository, just 
// put the folder without a trailing slash.
// InDefero will automatically append a slash, the project shortname 
// and .git to create the name of the repository.
$cfg['git_repositories'] = '/home/git/repositories/indefero.git';
$cfg['git_repositories_unique'] = true;
$cfg['git_remote_url'] = 'git://projects.ceondo.com/indefero.git';

// One git repository per project. "/".$project->shortname.".git"
// is automatically added to the end of the path/url.
//$cfg['git_repositories'] = '/home/git/repositories';
//$cfg['git_repositories_unique'] = false;
//$cfg['git_remote_url'] = 'git://projects.ceondo.com';

// Same as for git, you can have multiple repositories, one for each
// project or a single one for all the projects. 
// In the case of subversion, the admin of a project can also select a
// remote repository from the web interface. From the web interface
// you can define a local repository, local repositories are defined
// here. This if for security reasons.
$cfg['svn_repositories'] = 'file:///home/svn/repositories/indefero';
$cfg['svn_repositories_unique'] = true;
$cfg['svn_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/svn/indefero';

// Mercurial repositories path
//$cfg['mercurial_repositories'] = '/home/mercurial/repositories';
//$cfg['mercurial_repositories_unique'] = false;
//$cfg['mercurial_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/hg';

// Example of one *local* subversion repository for each project:

// the path to the repository on disk will automatically created to be
//   'file:///home/svn/repositories'.'/'.$project->shortname
// the url will be generated the same way:
//   'http://projects.ceondo.com/svn'.'/'.$project->shortname
// $cfg['svn_repositories'] = 'file:///home/svn/repositories';
// $cfg['svn_repositories_unique'] = false;
// $cfg['svn_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/svn';

// admins will get an email in case of errors in the system in non
// debug mode.
$cfg['admins'] = array(
                       array('Admin', 'you@example.com'),

// Email configuration
$cfg['send_emails'] = true;
$cfg['mail_backend'] = 'smtp';
$cfg['mail_host'] = 'localhost';
$cfg['mail_port'] = 25;

// Paths/Url configuration
# if you access the index.php with:
#  http://www.mydomain.com/myfolder/index.php
# put the following:
# $cfg['idf_base'] = '/myfolder/index.php';
# $cfg['url_base'] = 'http://www.mydomain.com';

$cfg['idf_base'] = ''; // put '/whatever/index.php if you are not
                       // using mod_rewrite and installing in a
                       // subfolder.
$cfg['url_base'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com';
$cfg['url_media'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/media';
$cfg['url_upload'] = 'http://projects/ceondo.com/media/upload';
$cfg['upload_path'] = '/path/to/media/upload';

# The following path *MUST NOT* be accessible through a web browser 
# as user will be able to upload .html, .php files and this can 
# create *TERRIBLE* security issues.
$cfg['upload_issue_path'] = '/path/to/attachments';

// write here a long random string unique for this installation. This
// is critical to put a long string.
$cfg['secret_key'] = ''; 

// the sender of all the emails.
$cfg['from_email'] = 'sender@example.com'; 

// Email address for the bounced messages.
$cfg['bounce_email'] = 'no-reply@example.com';

// Temporary folder where the script is writing the compiled templates,
// cached data and other temporary resources.
// It must be writeable by your webserver instance.
// It is mandatory if you are using the template system.
$cfg['tmp_folder'] = '/tmp';

// Database configuration
// For testing we are using in memory SQLite database.
$cfg['db_login'] = 'www';
$cfg['db_password'] = '';
$cfg['db_server'] = '';
$cfg['db_version'] = '';
$cfg['db_table_prefix'] = ''; 

// This is not because of problems with the quality of the SQLite
// driver or with SQLite itself, this is due to the lack of migration
// support in Pluf for SQLite, this means we cannot modify the DB
// easily once it is loaded with data.
$cfg['db_engine'] = 'PostgreSQL'; // SQLite is also well tested or MySQL
$cfg['db_database'] = 'website'; // put absolute path to the db if you
                                 // are using SQLite. 

// -- From this point you should not need to update anything. --
$cfg['pear_path'] = '/usr/share/php';

$cfg['login_success_url'] = $cfg['url_base'].$cfg['idf_base'];
$cfg['after_logout_page'] = $cfg['url_base'].$cfg['idf_base'];

// Caching of the scm commands.
$cfg['cache_engine'] = 'Pluf_Cache_File';
$cfg['cache_timeout'] = 300;
$cfg['cache_file_folder'] = $cfg['tmp_folder'].'/cache';

// The folder in which the templates of the application are located.
$cfg['template_folders'] = array(

$cfg['installed_apps'] = array('Pluf', 'IDF');
$cfg['pluf_use_rowpermission'] = true;
$cfg['middleware_classes'] = array(
$cfg['template_context_processors'] = array('IDF_Middleware_ContextPreProcessor');
$cfg['idf_views'] = dirname(__FILE__).'/urls.php';
$cfg['template_tags'] = array(
                              'hotkey' => 'IDF_Template_HotKey',
                              'issuetext' => 'IDF_Template_IssueComment',
                              'timeline' => 'IDF_Template_TimelineFragment',
                              'markdown' => 'IDF_Template_Markdown',
$cfg['template_modifiers'] = array(
                                   'size' => 'IDF_Views_Source_PrettySize',

// available languages
$cfg['languages'] = array('en', 'fr'); 

# SCM base configuration
$cfg['allowed_scm'] = array('git' => 'IDF_Scm_Git',
                            'svn' => 'IDF_Scm_Svn',

return $cfg;