fields['account'] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar( array('required' => true, 'label' => __('Your login or email'), 'help_text' => __('Provide either your login or your email to recover your password.'), )); } /** * Validate that a user with this login or email exists. */ public function clean_account() { $account = mb_strtolower(trim($this->cleaned_data['account'])); $db =& Pluf::db(); $true = Pluf_DB_BooleanToDb(true, $db); $sql = new Pluf_SQL('(email=%s OR login=%s) AND active='.$true, array($account, $account)); $users = Pluf::factory('Pluf_User')->getList(array('filter'=>$sql->gen())); if ($users->count() == 0) { throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(__('Sorry, we cannot find a user with this email address or login. Feel free to try again.')); } return $account; } /** * Send the reminder email. * */ function save($commit=true) { if (!$this->isValid()) { throw new Exception(__('Cannot save the model from an invalid form.')); } $account = $this->cleaned_data['account']; $sql = new Pluf_SQL('email=%s OR login=%s', array($account, $account)); $users = Pluf::factory('Pluf_User')->getList(array('filter'=>$sql->gen())); foreach ($users as $user) { $tmpl = new Pluf_Template('idf/user/passrecovery-email.txt'); $cr = new Pluf_Crypt(md5(Pluf::f('secret_key'))); $code = trim($cr->encrypt($user->email.':'.$user->id.':'.time()), '~'); $code = substr(md5(Pluf::f('secret_key').$code), 0, 2).$code; $url = Pluf::f('url_base').Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views::passwordRecovery', array($code), array(), false); $urlic = Pluf::f('url_base').Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views::passwordRecoveryInputCode', array(), array(), false); $context = new Pluf_Template_Context(array('url' => Pluf_Template::markSafe($url), 'urlik' => Pluf_Template::markSafe($urlic), 'user' => Pluf_Template::markSafe($user), 'key' => Pluf_Template::markSafe($code))); $email = new Pluf_Mail(Pluf::f('from_email'), $user->email, __('Password Recovery - InDefero')); $email->setReturnPath(Pluf::f('bounce_email', Pluf::f('from_email'))); $email->addTextMessage($tmpl->render($context)); $email->sendMail(); } } }