processMercurialCreate($params['project']); break; case 'IDF_Project::membershipsUpdated': $plug->processSyncAuthz($params['project']); break; case 'Pluf_User::passwordUpdated': $plug->processSyncPasswd($params['user']); break; case 'hgchangegroup.php::run': $plug->processSyncTimeline($params); break; } } /** * Run hg init command to create the corresponding Mercurial * repository. * * @param IDF_Project * @return bool Success */ function processMercurialCreate($project) { if ($project->getConf()->getVal('scm') != 'mercurial') { return false; } $shortname = $project->shortname; if (false===($mercurial_path=Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_path',false))) { throw new Pluf_Exception_SettingError("'idf_plugin_syncmercurial_path' must be defined in your configuration file."); } if (file_exists($mercurial_path.'/'.$shortname)) { throw new Exception(sprintf(__('The repository %s already exists.'), $mercurial_path.'/'.$shortname)); } $return = 0; $output = array(); $cmd = sprintf(Pluf::f('hg_path', 'hg').' init %s', escapeshellarg($mercurial_path.'/'.$shortname)); $cmd = Pluf::f('idf_exec_cmd_prefix', '').$cmd; $ll = exec($cmd, $output, $return); return ($return == 0); } /** * Synchronise an user's password. * * @param Pluf_User */ function processSyncPasswd($user) { $passwd_file = Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_passwd_file'); if (!file_exists($passwd_file) or !is_writable($passwd_file)) { return false; } $ht = new File_Passwd_Authbasic($passwd_file); $ht->load(); $ht->setMode(Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_passwd_mode', FILE_PASSWD_SHA)); if ($ht->userExists($user->login)) { $ht->changePasswd($user->login, $this->getMercurialPass($user)); } else { $ht->addUser($user->login, $this->getMercurialPass($user)); } $ht->save(); return true; } /** * Synchronize the hgrc file and the passwd file for the project. * * @param IDF_Project */ function processSyncAuthz($project) { if ($project->getConf()->getVal('scm') != 'mercurial') { return false; } $this->SyncAccess($project); $this->generateProjectPasswd($project); } /** * Get the repository password for the user */ function getMercurialPass($user){ return substr(sha1($user->password.Pluf::f('secret_key')), 0, 8); } /** * For a particular project: update all passwd information */ function generateProjectPasswd($project) { $passwd_file = Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_passwd_file'); if (!file_exists($passwd_file) or !is_writable($passwd_file)) { throw new Exception (sprintf(__('%s does not exist or is not writable.'), $passwd_file)); } $ht = new File_Passwd_Authbasic($passwd_file); $ht->setMode(Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_passwd_mode', FILE_PASSWD_SHA)); $ht->load(); $mem = $project->getMembershipData(); $members = array_merge((array)$mem['members'], (array)$mem['owners'], (array)$mem['authorized']); foreach($members as $user) { if ($ht->userExists($user->login)) { $ht->changePasswd($user->login, $this->getMercurialPass($user)); } else { $ht->addUser($user->login, $this->getMercurialPass($user)); } } $ht->save(); } /** * Generate the hgrc file */ function SyncAccess($project) { $shortname = $project->shortname; $hgrc_file = Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_path').sprintf('/%s/.hg/hgrc', $shortname); // Get allow_push list $allow_push = ''; $mem = $project->getMembershipData(); foreach ($mem['owners'] as $v) { $allow_push .= $v->login.' '; } foreach ($mem['members'] as $v) { $allow_push .= $v->login.' '; } // Generate hgrc content if (is_file($hgrc_file)) { $tmp_content = parse_ini_file($hgrc_file, true); $tmp_content['web']['allow_push'] = $allow_push; } else { $tmp_content = Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_hgrc'); $tmp_content['web']['allow_push'] = $allow_push; } $fcontent = ''; foreach ($tmp_content as $key => $elem){ $fcontent .= '['.$key."]\n"; foreach ($elem as $key2 => $elem2){ $fcontent .= $key2.' = '.$elem2."\n"; } } file_put_contents($hgrc_file, $fcontent, LOCK_EX); // Generate private repository config file $private_file = Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_private_include'); $notify_file = Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_private_notify'); $fcontent = ''; foreach (Pluf::factory('IDF_Project')->getList() as $project) { $conf = new IDF_Conf(); $conf->setProject($project); if ($project->private == true){ $mem = $project->getMembershipData(); $user = ''; foreach ($mem['owners'] as $v) { $user .= $v->login.' '; } foreach ($mem['members'] as $v) { $user .= $v->login.' '; } foreach ($mem['authorized'] as $v) { $user .= $v->login.' '; } $fcontent .= 'shortname).'>'."\n"; $fcontent .= 'AuthType Basic'."\n"; $fcontent .= 'AuthName "Restricted"'."\n"; $fcontent .= sprintf('AuthUserFile %s', Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncmercurial_passwd_file'))."\n"; $fcontent .= sprintf('Require user %s', $user)."\n"; $fcontent .= ''."\n\n"; } } file_put_contents($private_file, $fcontent, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents($notify_file, ' ', LOCK_EX); return true; } /** * Update the timeline in post commit. * */ public function processSyncTimeline($params) { $pname = basename($params['rel_dir']); try { $project = IDF_Project::getOr404($pname); } catch (Pluf_HTTP_Error404 $e) { Pluf_Log::event(array('IDF_Plugin_SyncMercurial::processSyncTimeline', 'Project not found.', array($pname, $params))); return false; // Project not found } // Now we have the project and can update the timeline Pluf_Log::debug(array('IDF_Plugin_SyncMercurial::processSyncTimeline', 'Project found', $pname, $project->id)); IDF_Scm::syncTimeline($project, true); Pluf_Log::event(array('IDF_Plugin_SyncMercurial::processSyncTimeline', 'sync', array($pname, $project->id))); } }