{extends "idf/review/base-full.html"} {block extraheader}{/block} {block docclass}yui-t1{assign $inCreate = true}{/block} {block body} {if $form.errors}
{/if}{trans 'Created:'} | {$patch.creation_dtime|date:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"} ({$patch.creation_dtime|dateago}) |
{trans 'Updated:'} | {$review.modif_dtime|dateago} |
{trans 'Author:'} | {$review.get_submitter()} |
{trans 'Commit:'} | {$patch.get_commit().scm_id} |
{trans 'Description:'} | {issuetext $review.summary, $request} {issuetext $patch.summary, $request} |
{trans 'Reviewers:'} | {if count($reviewers)}{foreach $reviewers as $r}{$r}, {/foreach}{else}{trans 'No reviewers at the moment.'}{/if} |
{trans 'Files:'} |
{foreach $diff.files as $filename=>$diffdef}
{assign $ndiff = count($diffdef['chunks'])}
{assign $nc = $files[$filename][2]->count()}
{$filename} ({blocktrans $ndiff}{$ndiff} diff{plural}{$ndiff} diffs{/blocktrans}{if $nc}, {blocktrans $nc}{$nc} comment{plural}{$nc} comments{/blocktrans}{/if}) {/foreach} |
![]() |
{trans 'How to Participate in a Code Review'}
{blocktrans}Code review is a process in which after or before changes are commited into the code repository, different people discuss the code changes. The goal is to improve the quality of the code and the contributions, as such, you must be pragmatic when writing your review. Correctly mention the line numbers (in the old or in the new file) and try to keep a good balance between seriousness and fun. {/blocktrans}
{blocktrans} Proposing code for review is intimidating, you know you will receive critics, so please, as a reviewer, keep this process fun, use it to help your contributor learn your coding standards and the structure of the code and make them want to propose more contributions. {/blocktrans}