path_strip_level = $path_strip_level; $this->lines = self::splitIntoLines($diff); } /** * Splits a diff into separate lines while retaining the individual * line ending character for every line */ private static function splitIntoLines($diff) { // this works because in unified diff format even empty lines are // either prefixed with a '+', '-' or ' ' $splitted = preg_split("/\r\n|\n/", $diff, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $last_off = -1; $lines = array(); while (($split = array_shift($splitted)) !== null) { if ($last_off != -1) { $lines[] .= substr($diff, $last_off, $split[1] - $last_off); } $last_off = $split[1]; } $lines[] = substr($diff, $last_off); return $lines; } public function parse() { $current_file = ''; $current_chunk = 0; $lline = 0; $rline = 0; $files = array(); $indiff = false; // Used to skip the headers in the git patches $i = 0; // Used to skip the end of a git patch with --\nversion number $diffsize = count($this->lines); while ($i < $diffsize) { // look for the potential beginning of a diff if (substr($this->lines[$i], 0, 4) !== '--- ') { $i++; continue; } // we're inside a diff candiate $oldfileline = $this->lines[$i++]; $newfileline = $this->lines[$i++]; if (substr($newfileline, 0, 4) !== '+++ ') { // not a valid diff here, move on continue; } // use new file name by default preg_match("/^\+\+\+ ([^\t\n\r]+)/", $newfileline, $m); $current_file = $m[1]; if ($current_file === '/dev/null') { // except if it's /dev/null, use the old one instead // eg. mtn 0.48 and newer preg_match("/^--- ([^\t\r\n]+)/", $oldfileline, $m); $current_file = $m[1]; } if ($this->path_strip_level > 0) { $fileparts = explode('/', $current_file, $this->path_strip_level+1); $current_file = array_pop($fileparts); } $current_chunk = 0; $files[$current_file] = array(); $files[$current_file]['chunks'] = array(); $files[$current_file]['chunks_def'] = array(); while ($i < $diffsize && substr($this->lines[$i], 0, 3) === '@@ ') { $elems = preg_match('/@@ -(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*) @@.*/', $this->lines[$i++], $results); if ($elems != 1) { // hunk is badly formatted break; } $delstart = $results[1]; $dellines = $results[2] === '' ? 1 : $results[2]; $addstart = $results[3]; $addlines = $results[4] === '' ? 1 : $results[4]; $files[$current_file]['chunks_def'][] = array( array($delstart, $dellines), array($addstart, $addlines) ); $files[$current_file]['chunks'][] = array(); while ($i < $diffsize && ($addlines >= 0 || $dellines >= 0)) { $linetype = $this->lines[$i] != '' ? $this->lines[$i][0] : false; $content = substr($this->lines[$i], 1); switch ($linetype) { case ' ': $files[$current_file]['chunks'][$current_chunk][] = array($delstart, $addstart, $content); $dellines--; $addlines--; $delstart++; $addstart++; break; case '+': $files[$current_file]['chunks'][$current_chunk][] = array('', $addstart, $content); $addlines--; $addstart++; break; case '-': $files[$current_file]['chunks'][$current_chunk][] = array($delstart, '', $content); $dellines--; $delstart++; break; case '\\': // no new line at the end of this file; remove pseudo new line from last line $cur = count($files[$current_file]['chunks'][$current_chunk]) - 1; $files[$current_file]['chunks'][$current_chunk][$cur][2] = rtrim($files[$current_file]['chunks'][$current_chunk][$cur][2], "\r\n"); continue; default: break 2; } $i++; } $current_chunk++; } } $this->files = $files; return $files; } /** * Return the html version of a parsed diff. */ public function as_html() { $out = ''; foreach ($this->files as $filename => $file) { $pretty = ''; $fileinfo = IDF_FileUtil::getMimeType($filename); if (IDF_FileUtil::isSupportedExtension($fileinfo[2])) { $pretty = ' prettyprint'; } $cc = 1; $offsets = array(); $contents = array(); foreach ($file['chunks'] as $chunk) { foreach ($chunk as $line) { list($left, $right, $content) = $line; if ($left and $right) { $class = 'context'; } elseif ($left) { $class = 'removed'; } else { $class = 'added'; } $offsets[] = sprintf('%s%s', $left, $right); $content = Pluf_esc($content); $content = self::makeNonPrintableCharsVisible($content); $contents[] = sprintf('%s', $class, $pretty, $content); } if (count($file['chunks']) > $cc) { $offsets[] = '......'; $contents[] = ''; } $cc++; } list($added, $removed) = end($file['chunks_def']); $added = $added[0] + $added[1]; $leftwidth = 1; if ($added > 0) $leftwidth = ((ceil(log10($added)) + 1) * 8) + 12; $removed = $removed[0] + $removed[1]; $rightwidth = 1; if ($removed > 0) $rightwidth = ((ceil(log10($removed)) + 1) * 8) + 12; $inner_linecounts = '' ."\n". '' ."\n". '' . implode(''."\n".'', $offsets). '' ."\n". '
' ."\n"; $inner_contents = '' ."\n". '' . implode(''."\n".'', $contents) . '' ."\n". '
' ."\n"; $out .= '' ."\n". '' ."\n". ''. ''. '' ."\n". '' . ''. "\n". ''. '' ."\n". '
'. $inner_linecounts .'
'. $inner_contents .'
' ."\n"; } return Pluf_Template::markSafe($out); } private static function makeNonPrintableCharsVisible($line) { return preg_replace('/([\x00-\x1F])/ue', '"".bin2hex("\\1").""', $line); } public static function padLine($line) { $line = str_replace("\t", ' ', $line); $n = strlen($line); for ($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) { if (substr($line, $i, 1) != ' ') { break; } } return str_repeat(' ', $i).substr($line, $i); } /** * Review patch. * * Given the original file as a string and the parsed * corresponding diff chunks, generate a side by side view of the * original file and new file with added/removed lines. * * Example of use: * * $diff = new IDF_Diff(file_get_contents($diff_file)); * $orig = file_get_contents($orig_file); * $diff->parse(); * echo $diff->fileCompare($orig, $diff->files[$orig_file], $diff_file); * * @param string Original file * @param array Chunk description of the diff corresponding to the file * @param string Original file name * @param int Number of lines before/after the chunk to be displayed (10) * @return Pluf_Template_SafeString The table body */ public function fileCompare($orig, $chunks, $filename, $context=10) { $orig_lines = self::splitIntoLines($orig); $new_chunks = $this->mergeChunks($orig_lines, $chunks, $context); return $this->renderCompared($new_chunks, $filename); } public function mergeChunks($orig_lines, $chunks, $context=10) { $spans = array(); $new_chunks = array(); $min_line = 0; $max_line = 0; //if (count($chunks['chunks_def']) == 0) return ''; foreach ($chunks['chunks_def'] as $chunk) { $start = ($chunk[0][0] > $context) ? $chunk[0][0]-$context : 0; $end = (($chunk[0][0]+$chunk[0][1]+$context-1) < count($orig_lines)) ? $chunk[0][0]+$chunk[0][1]+$context-1 : count($orig_lines); $spans[] = array($start, $end); } // merge chunks/get the chunk lines // these are reference lines $chunk_lines = array(); foreach ($chunks['chunks'] as $chunk) { foreach ($chunk as $line) { $chunk_lines[] = $line; } } $i = 0; foreach ($chunks['chunks'] as $chunk) { $n_chunk = array(); // add lines before if ($chunk[0][0] > $spans[$i][0]) { for ($lc=$spans[$i][0];$lc<$chunk[0][0];$lc++) { $exists = false; foreach ($chunk_lines as $line) { if ($lc == $line[0] or ($chunk[0][1]-$chunk[0][0]+$lc) == $line[1]) { $exists = true; break; } } if (!$exists) { $orig = isset($orig_lines[$lc-1]) ? $orig_lines[$lc-1] : ''; $n_chunk[] = array( $lc, $chunk[0][1]-$chunk[0][0]+$lc, $orig ); } } } // add chunk lines foreach ($chunk as $line) { $n_chunk[] = $line; } // add lines after $lline = $line; if (!empty($lline[0]) and $lline[0] < $spans[$i][1]) { for ($lc=$lline[0];$lc<=$spans[$i][1];$lc++) { $exists = false; foreach ($chunk_lines as $line) { if ($lc == $line[0] or ($lline[1]-$lline[0]+$lc) == $line[1]) { $exists = true; break; } } if (!$exists) { $n_chunk[] = array( $lc, $lline[1]-$lline[0]+$lc, $orig_lines[$lc-1] ); } } } $new_chunks[] = $n_chunk; $i++; } // Now, each chunk has the right length, we need to merge them // when needed $nnew_chunks = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($new_chunks as $chunk) { if ($i>0) { $lline = end($nnew_chunks[$i-1]); if ($chunk[0][0] <= $lline[0]+1) { // need merging foreach ($chunk as $line) { if ($line[0] > $lline[0] or empty($line[0])) { $nnew_chunks[$i-1][] = $line; } } } else { $nnew_chunks[] = $chunk; $i++; } } else { $nnew_chunks[] = $chunk; $i++; } } return $nnew_chunks; } public function renderCompared($chunks, $filename) { $fileinfo = IDF_FileUtil::getMimeType($filename); $pretty = ''; if (IDF_FileUtil::isSupportedExtension($fileinfo[2])) { $pretty = ' prettyprint'; } $out = ''; $cc = 1; $i = 0; foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { foreach ($chunk as $line) { $line1 = ' '; $line2 = ' '; $line[2] = (strlen($line[2])) ? self::padLine(Pluf_esc($line[2])) : ' '; if ($line[0] and $line[1]) { $class = 'diff-c'; $line1 = $line2 = $line[2]; } elseif ($line[0]) { $class = 'diff-r'; $line1 = $line[2]; } else { $class = 'diff-a'; $line2 = $line[2]; } $out .= sprintf('%s%s%s%s'."\n", $line[0], $class, $pretty, $line1, $line[1], $class, $pretty, $line2); } if (count($chunks) > $cc) $out .= '... ... '."\n"; $cc++; $i++; } return Pluf_Template::markSafe($out); } }