# Plugin SyncMercurial by Benjamin Jorand The SyncMercurial plugin allows the direct creation and synchronisation of mercurial repositories with the InDefero database. The repositories will be published by hgwebdir.cgi using HTTP. It also handles private repositories. SyncMercurial is adapted from SyncSvn by Baptiste Michaud. ## To Contact the Author Benjamin Jorand ## Apache configuration The simple way to share Mercurial repositories is to publish them using HTTP and `hgwebdir.cgi`. It first requires a config file called hgweb.config in the same directory where you put hgwebdir.cgi (for example, `/home/indefero/scripts`): [collections] /home/indefero/repositories/mercurial/ = /home/indefero/repositories/mercurial/ Then configure a vhost this way : ScriptAliasMatch ^/hg(.*) /home/indefero/scripts/hgwebdir.cgi$1 Options +ExecCGI AuthName "Restricted" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /home/indefero/auth/.htpasswd Require valid-user Enable the authentification for private repositories : Include /home/indefero/scripts/private_indefero.conf ## InDefero configuration First, you need to install the File_Passwd PEAR package: $ sudo pear install File_Passwd Then, based on the paths provided in the Apache configuration, you need to put the following lines in your configuration file: $cfg['idf_plugin_syncmercurial_passwd_file'] = '/home/indefero/auth/.htpasswd'; $cfg['idf_plugin_syncmercurial_path'] = '/home/indefero/repositories/mercurial'; $cfg['idf_plugin_syncmercurial_private_include'] = '/home/indefero/scripts/private_indefero.conf'; $cfg['idf_plugin_syncmercurial_private_notify'] = '/home/indefero/tmp/notify.tmp'; $cfg['idf_plugin_syncmercurial_private_url'] = '/hg/%s'; ## Cron configuration As InDefero modifies the private_indefero.conf, apache needs to be reloaded. Each time this file is modified, a temporary file is created. */5 * * * * /bin/sh /home/indefero/src/cron/SyncMercurial.sh Edit this script and add correct values to `private_notify` and `reload_cmd`.