*/ class IDF_Scm_Monotone extends IDF_Scm { /** the minimum supported interface version */ public static $MIN_INTERFACE_VERSION = 12.0; private $stdio; private static $instances = array(); /** * @see IDF_Scm::__construct() */ public function __construct($project) { $this->project = $project; $this->stdio = new IDF_Scm_Monotone_Stdio($project); } /** * Returns the stdio instance in use * * @return IDF_Scm_Monotone_Stdio */ public function getStdio() { return $this->stdio; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getRepositorySize() */ public function getRepositorySize() { // FIXME: this obviously won't work with remote databases - upstream // needs to implement mtn db info in automate at first $repo = sprintf(Pluf::f('mtn_repositories'), $this->project->shortname); if (!file_exists($repo)) { return 0; } $cmd = Pluf::f('idf_exec_cmd_prefix', '').'du -sk ' .escapeshellarg($repo); $out = explode(' ', self::shell_exec('IDF_Scm_Monotone::getRepositorySize', $cmd), 2); return (int) $out[0]*1024; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::isAvailable() */ public function isAvailable() { try { $out = $this->stdio->exec(array('interface_version')); return floatval($out) >= self::$MIN_INTERFACE_VERSION; } catch (IDF_Scm_Exception $e) {} return false; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getBranches() */ public function getBranches() { if (isset($this->cache['branches'])) { return $this->cache['branches']; } // FIXME: we could / should introduce handling of suspended // (i.e. dead) branches here by hiding them from the user's eye... $out = $this->stdio->exec(array('branches')); // note: we could expand each branch with one of its head revisions // here, but these would soon become bogus anyway and we cannot // map multiple head revisions here either, so we just use the // selector as placeholder $res = array(); foreach (preg_split("/\n/", $out, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $b) { $res["h:$b"] = $b; } $this->cache['branches'] = $res; return $res; } /** * monotone has no concept of a "main" branch, so just return * the configured one. Ensure however that we can select revisions * with it at all. * * @see IDF_Scm::getMainBranch() */ public function getMainBranch() { $conf = $this->project->getConf(); if (false === ($branch = $conf->getVal('mtn_master_branch', false)) || empty($branch)) { $branch = "*"; } return $branch; } /** * expands a selector or a partial revision id to zero, one or * multiple 40 byte revision ids * * @param string $selector * @return array */ private function _resolveSelector($selector) { $out = $this->stdio->exec(array('select', $selector)); return preg_split("/\n/", $out, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } /** * Queries the certs for a given revision and returns them in an * associative array array("branch" => array("branch1", ...), ...) * * @param string * @param array */ private function _getCerts($rev) { $cache = Pluf_Cache::factory(); $cachekey = 'mtn-plugin-certs-for-rev-' . $rev; $certs = $cache->get($cachekey); if ($certs === null) { $out = $this->stdio->exec(array('certs', $rev)); $stanzas = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($out); $certs = array(); foreach ($stanzas as $stanza) { $certname = null; foreach ($stanza as $stanzaline) { // luckily, name always comes before value if ($stanzaline['key'] == 'name') { $certname = $stanzaline['values'][0]; continue; } if ($stanzaline['key'] == 'value') { if (!array_key_exists($certname, $certs)) { $certs[$certname] = array(); } $certs[$certname][] = $stanzaline['values'][0]; break; } } } $cache->set($cachekey, $certs); } return $certs; } /** * Returns unique certificate values for the given revs and the specific * cert name, optionally prefixed with $prefix * * @param array * @param string * @param string * @return array */ private function _getUniqueCertValuesFor($revs, $certName, $prefix) { $certValues = array(); foreach ($revs as $rev) { $certs = $this->_getCerts($rev); if (!array_key_exists($certName, $certs)) continue; foreach ($certs[$certName] as $certValue) { $certValues[] = "$prefix$certValue"; } } return array_unique($certValues); } /** * @see IDF_Scm::inBranches() */ public function inBranches($commit, $path) { $revs = $this->_resolveSelector($commit); if (count($revs) == 0) return array(); return $this->_getUniqueCertValuesFor($revs, 'branch', 'h:'); } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getTags() */ public function getTags() { if (isset($this->cache['tags'])) { return $this->cache['tags']; } $out = $this->stdio->exec(array('tags')); $tags = array(); $stanzas = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($out); foreach ($stanzas as $stanza) { $tagname = null; foreach ($stanza as $stanzaline) { // revision comes directly after the tag stanza if ($stanzaline['key'] == 'tag') { $tagname = $stanzaline['values'][0]; continue; } if ($stanzaline['key'] == 'revision') { // FIXME: warn if multiple revisions have // equally named tags if (!array_key_exists("t:$tagname", $tags)) { $tags["t:$tagname"] = $tagname; } break; } } } $this->cache['tags'] = $tags; return $tags; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::inTags() */ public function inTags($commit, $path) { $revs = $this->_resolveSelector($commit); if (count($revs) == 0) return array(); return $this->_getUniqueCertValuesFor($revs, 'tag', 't:'); } /** * Takes a single stanza coming from an extended manifest output * and converts it into a file structure used by IDF * * @param string $forceBasedir If given then the element's path is checked * to be directly beneath the given directory. * If not, null is returned and the parsing is * aborted. * @return array | null */ private function _fillFileEntry(array $manifestEntry, $forceBasedir = null) { $fullpath = $manifestEntry[0]['values'][0]; $filename = basename($fullpath); $dirname = dirname($fullpath); $dirname = $dirname == '.' ? '' : $dirname; if ($forceBasedir !== null && $forceBasedir != $dirname) { return null; } $file = array(); $file['file'] = $filename; $file['fullpath'] = $fullpath; $file['efullpath'] = self::smartEncode($fullpath); $wanted_mark = ''; if ($manifestEntry[0]['key'] == 'dir') { $file['type'] = 'tree'; $file['size'] = 0; $wanted_mark = 'path_mark'; } else { $file['type'] = 'blob'; $file['hash'] = $manifestEntry[1]['hash']; $size = 0; foreach ($manifestEntry as $line) { if ($line['key'] == 'size') { $size = $line['values'][0]; break; } } $file['size'] = $size; $wanted_mark = 'content_mark'; } $rev_mark = null; foreach ($manifestEntry as $line) { if ($line['key'] == $wanted_mark) { $rev_mark = $line['hash']; break; } } if ($rev_mark !== null) { $file['rev'] = $rev_mark; $certs = $this->_getCerts($rev_mark); // FIXME: this assumes that author, date and changelog are always given $file['author'] = implode(", ", $certs['author']); $dates = array(); foreach ($certs['date'] as $date) $dates[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date)); $file['date'] = implode(', ', $dates); $combinedChangelog = implode("\n---\n", $certs['changelog']); $split = preg_split("/[\n\r]/", $combinedChangelog, 2); // FIXME: the complete log message is currently not used in the // tree view (the same is true for the other SCM implementations) // but we _should_ really use or at least return that here // in case we want to do fancy stuff like described in // issue 492 $file['log'] = $split[0]; } return $file; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getTree() */ public function getTree($commit, $folder='/', $branch=null) { $revs = $this->_resolveSelector($commit); if (count($revs) == 0) { return array(); } $out = $this->stdio->exec(array( 'get_extended_manifest_of', $revs[0] )); $files = array(); $stanzas = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($out); $folder = $folder == '/' || empty($folder) ? '' : $folder; foreach ($stanzas as $stanza) { if ($stanza[0]['key'] == 'format_version') continue; $file = $this->_fillFileEntry($stanza, $folder); if ($file === null) continue; $files[] = (object) $file; } return $files; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::findAuthor() */ public function findAuthor($author) { // We extract anything which looks like an email. $match = array(); if (!preg_match('/([^ ]+@[^ ]+)/', $author, $match)) { return null; } foreach (array('email', 'login') as $what) { $sql = new Pluf_SQL($what.'=%s', array($match[1])); $users = Pluf::factory('Pluf_User')->getList(array('filter'=>$sql->gen())); if ($users->count() > 0) { return $users[0]; } } return null; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getAnonymousAccessUrl() */ public static function getAnonymousAccessUrl($project, $commit = null) { $scm = IDF_Scm::get($project); $branch = $scm->getMainBranch(); if (!empty($commit)) { $revs = $scm->_resolveSelector($commit); if (count($revs) > 0) { $certs = $scm->_getCerts($revs[0]); // for the very seldom case that a revision // has no branch certificate if (!array_key_exists('branch', $certs)) { $branch = '*'; } else { $branch = $certs['branch'][0]; } } } $remote_url = Pluf::f('mtn_remote_url', ''); if (empty($remote_url)) { return ''; } return sprintf($remote_url, $project->shortname).'?'.$branch; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getAuthAccessUrl() */ public static function getAuthAccessUrl($project, $user, $commit = null) { $url = self::getAnonymousAccessUrl($project, $commit); return preg_replace("#^ssh://#", "ssh://$user@", $url); } /** * Returns this object correctly initialized for the project. * * @param IDF_Project * @return IDF_Scm_Monotone */ public static function factory($project) { if (!array_key_exists($project->shortname, self::$instances)) { self::$instances[$project->shortname] = new IDF_Scm_Monotone($project); } return self::$instances[$project->shortname]; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::validateRevision() */ public function validateRevision($commit) { $revs = $this->_resolveSelector($commit); if (count($revs) == 0) return IDF_Scm::REVISION_INVALID; if (count($revs) > 1) return IDF_Scm::REVISION_AMBIGUOUS; return IDF_Scm::REVISION_VALID; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::disambiguateRevision */ public function disambiguateRevision($commit) { $revs = $this->_resolveSelector($commit); $out = array(); foreach ($revs as $rev) { $certs = $this->_getCerts($rev); $log = array(); $log['author'] = implode(', ', $certs['author']); $log['branch'] = implode(', ', $certs['branch']); $dates = array(); foreach ($certs['date'] as $date) $dates[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date)); $log['date'] = implode(', ', $dates); $combinedChangelog = implode("\n---\n", $certs['changelog']); $split = preg_split("/[\n\r]/", $combinedChangelog, 2); $log['title'] = $split[0]; $log['full_message'] = (isset($split[1])) ? trim($split[1]) : ''; $log['commit'] = $rev; $out[] = (object)$log; } return $out; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getPathInfo() */ public function getPathInfo($file, $commit = null) { if ($commit === null) { $commit = 'h:' . $this->getMainBranch(); } $revs = $this->_resolveSelector($commit); if (count($revs) == 0) return false; $out = $this->stdio->exec(array( 'get_extended_manifest_of', $revs[0] )); $files = array(); $stanzas = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($out); foreach ($stanzas as $stanza) { if ($stanza[0]['key'] == 'format_version') continue; if ($stanza[0]['values'][0] != $file) continue; $file = $this->_fillFileEntry($stanza); return (object) $file; } return false; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getFile() */ public function getFile($def, $cmd_only=false) { // this won't work with remote databases if ($cmd_only) { throw new Pluf_Exception_NotImplemented(); } return $this->stdio->exec(array('get_file', $def->hash)); } /** * Returns the differences between two revisions as unified diff * * @param string The target of the diff * @param string The source of the diff, if not given, the first * parent of the target is used * @return string */ private function _getDiff($target, $source = null) { if (empty($source)) { $source = "p:$target"; } // FIXME: add real support for merge revisions here which have // two distinct diff sets $targets = $this->_resolveSelector($target); $sources = $this->_resolveSelector($source); if (count($targets) == 0 || count($sources) == 0) { return ''; } // if target contains a root revision, we cannot produce a diff if (empty($sources[0])) { return ''; } return $this->stdio->exec( array('content_diff'), array('r' => array($sources[0], $targets[0])) ); } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getCommit() */ public function getCommit($commit, $getdiff=false) { $revs = $this->_resolveSelector($commit); if (count($revs) == 0) return array(); $certs = $this->_getCerts($revs[0]); // FIXME: this assumes that author, date and changelog are always given $res['author'] = implode(', ', $certs['author']); $dates = array(); foreach ($certs['date'] as $date) $dates[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date)); $res['date'] = implode(', ', $dates); $combinedChangelog = implode("\n---\n", $certs['changelog']); $split = preg_split("/[\n\r]/", $combinedChangelog, 2); $res['title'] = $split[0]; $res['full_message'] = (isset($split[1])) ? trim($split[1]) : ''; $res['commit'] = $revs[0]; $res['changes'] = ($getdiff) ? $this->_getDiff($revs[0]) : ''; return (object) $res; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::isCommitLarge() */ public function isCommitLarge($commit=null) { if (empty($commit)) { $commit = 'h:'.$this->getMainBranch(); } $revs = $this->_resolveSelector($commit); if (count($revs) == 0) return false; $out = $this->stdio->exec(array( 'get_revision', $revs[0] )); $newAndPatchedFiles = 0; $stanzas = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($out); foreach ($stanzas as $stanza) { if ($stanza[0]['key'] == 'patch' || $stanza[0]['key'] == 'add_file') $newAndPatchedFiles++; } return $newAndPatchedFiles > 100; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getChangeLog() */ public function getChangeLog($commit=null, $n=10) { $horizont = $this->_resolveSelector($commit); $initialBranches = array(); $logs = array(); while (!empty($horizont) && $n > 0) { if (count($horizont) > 1) { $out = $this->stdio->exec(array('toposort') + $horizont); $horizont = preg_split("/\n/", $out, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } $rev = array_shift($horizont); $certs = $this->_getCerts($rev); // read in the initial branches we should follow if (count($initialBranches) == 0) { if (!isset($certs['branch'])) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( __("revision %s has no branch cert - cannot start ". "logging from this revision"), $rev )); } $initialBranches = $certs['branch']; } // only add it to our log if it is on one of the initial branches // ignore revisions without any branch certificate if (count(array_intersect($initialBranches, (array)@$certs['branch'])) > 0) { --$n; $log = array(); $log['author'] = implode(', ', $certs['author']); $dates = array(); foreach ($certs['date'] as $date) $dates[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date)); $log['date'] = implode(', ', $dates); $combinedChangelog = implode("\n---\n", $certs['changelog']); $split = preg_split("/[\n\r]/", $combinedChangelog, 2); $log['title'] = $split[0]; $log['full_message'] = (isset($split[1])) ? trim($split[1]) : ''; $log['commit'] = $rev; $logs[] = (object)$log; } $out = $this->stdio->exec(array('parents', $rev)); $horizont += preg_split("/\n/", $out, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } return $logs; } }