- IssueUpdate.php: use dynamically set field validators for dynamically
created fields; let relation_type0 and relation_issue0 exist at any time;
check the validity of a user selection and combine the various input fields
if possible; do the database updates for links; change the "change" format
for labels to a more precise structure and no longer trust on a leading
dash for removed labels
- IssueCreate.php: change the validator calls and field names
- Issue.php (getGroupedRelatedIssues): make it possible to return only a
flat list of integers for easier processing
- 17AddIssueRelations.php: migrate the previous serialized "changes" format
for issue comments to the new, more structured format (up and down)
- js-autocomplete.html: add support for multiple input fields
- view.html: output relation changes and wrap the related issues stanzas into
- NEWS.mdtext: note the addition and the need for a specific version of Pluf
- be explicit and expect only ssh-dss or ssh-rsa keys
- allow any character (even line breaks and whitespace) in the optional comment,
but shrink all of them to simple spaces (fixes issue 679)
- test the newly uploaded key against existing keys only by the base key data,
not the fully uploaded string (that might contain a changed comment line or
the like) to avoid duplicates; also only check the keys of the user for
duplicates, not all existing keys in the forge (if for whatever reason two
user accounts share a key)
- actually query data for the incoming query
- exclude the current issue from being linked with itself
- allow multiple issues to be given in the second input field
- add the form fields to the ticket update view as well
Changes with respect to the original patch:
- use Gconf instead of separate table / data scheme
- better form validation for URLs and emails
- no htmlentity-encoded contents in the database (pluf automatically safe-encodes
stuff before it writes out contents into templates)
- add visual separators in the form views to have a distinct view of basic
(important) data and other data which are only displayed in the public profile
- give a hint about the maximum display size of 60x60 px^2 and use max-width and
max-height in the templates to avoid nasty distortions by the browser
- use target=_blank and rel=nofollow on the twitter and website links in the profile
- some whitespace / formatting / code style fixes
* src/IDF/Key.php: new column "type" which is either "ssh" or "mtn";
utility functions to query the mtn key name and id as well as
all available key types for the current IDF installation
* src/IDF/Migrations/16KeyType.php: needed migration script
* src/IDF/Plugin/SyncGit/Cron.php: ensure only SSH keys are handled
* adapt forms and templates accordingly