private projects and we should also take care that the symlink that
enables it is dynamically created / removed when the private flag
changes for a project.
a revision from which we want to start our log from, but simply ignore
that and go over to the next revision. Note that this is also a bit
fragile and should probably be converted to plain mtn au log usage.
The symlinks to the post commit/post update scripts are absolute path symlinks, so a simple readlink is used. The is relative, so a bit of shell skill is used to resolve the path to the absolute path.
Add link previous and after to quickly jump to another issue.
Those links are pointing to issue with the same status (open/closed).
With little trick on url we can do the same thing for browse "my issue" and "my watchlist".
configuration tree as template for a new project and copy / symlink that on
project creation. To make this process a little more configurable, two new
configuration options, 'mtn_confdir' and 'mtn_confdir_extra', have been
added which allow the forge admin to adapt the directory structure and its
default hooks to his likings for all new projects. (More on that in
The 'mtn_remote_auth' configuration option was removed, because setting this
to false would have not worked for setups which did not allow write access
to remote automate commands for anonymous users and opening this would have
meant a huge security hole. Instead, for every project which is created a
corresponding client key is created as well which is used as authentication
in the IDF source frontend.
Finally the monolithic monotonerc file has been split up into individual,
easily configurable lua files which are linked / copied underknees hooks.d/
and which do not conflict with each other (for example by overwriting certain
main notification hooks).
* Scm.php: new SCM method "getChanges" which returns all available
change information grouped by type
* Monotone.php: implement getChanges via get_revision
* <other scms>: rename "changes" member for getCommit to "diff" which
matches better
* Source.php: query the commit's changes and set them in the template
* commit.html: render the changes, type-by-type. Link to the tree or
the individual diff if applicable
* styles.css: some initial style sheet work
Changes with respect to the original patch:
- use Gconf instead of separate table / data scheme
- better form validation for URLs and emails
- no htmlentity-encoded contents in the database (pluf automatically safe-encodes
stuff before it writes out contents into templates)
- add visual separators in the form views to have a distinct view of basic
(important) data and other data which are only displayed in the public profile
- give a hint about the maximum display size of 60x60 px^2 and use max-width and
max-height in the templates to avoid nasty distortions by the browser
- use target=_blank and rel=nofollow on the twitter and website links in the profile
- some whitespace / formatting / code style fixes
the branch certificates in question to the horizont, otherwise we end up going
up the whole history for some feature branch as soon as we hit the base branch
of a project.