<?php /** * * @author taylor.luk * @todo FileLoader need more test coverage */ class H2o_Loader { public $parser; public $runtime; public $cached = false; protected $cache = false; public $searchpath = false; function read($filename) {} function cache_read($file, $object, $ttl = 3600) {} } class H2o_File_Loader extends H2o_Loader { function __construct($searchpath, $options = array()) { // if (is_file($searchpath)) { // $searthpath = dirname($searchpath).DS; // } // if (!is_dir($searchpath)) // throw new TemplateNotFound($filename); // if (!is_array($searchpath)) throw new Exception("searchpath must be an array"); $this->searchpath = (array) $searchpath; $this->setOptions($options); } function setOptions($options = array()) { if (isset($options['cache']) && $options['cache']) { $this->cache = h2o_cache($options); } } function read($filename) { if (!is_file($filename)) $filename = $this->get_template_path($this->searchpath,$filename); if (is_file($filename)) { $source = file_get_contents($filename); return $this->runtime->parse($source); } else { throw new TemplateNotFound($filename); } } function get_template_path($search_path, $filename){ for ($i=0 ; $i < count($search_path) ; $i++) { if(file_exists($search_path[$i] . $filename)) { $filename = $search_path[$i] . $filename; return $filename; break; } else { continue; } } throw new Exception('TemplateNotFound - Looked for template: ' . $filename); } function read_cache($filename) { if (!$this->cache){ $filename = $this->get_template_path($this->searchpath,$filename); return $this->read($filename); } if (!is_file($filename)){ $filename = $this->get_template_path($this->searchpath,$filename); } $filename = realpath($filename); $cache = md5($filename); $object = $this->cache->read($cache); $this->cached = $object && !$this->expired($object); if (!$this->cached) { $nodelist = $this->read($filename); $object = (object) array( 'filename' => $filename, 'content' => serialize($nodelist), 'created' => time(), 'templates' => $nodelist->parser->storage['templates'], 'included' => $nodelist->parser->storage['included'] + array_values(h2o::$extensions) ); $this->cache->write($cache, $object); } else { foreach($object->included as $ext => $file) { include_once (h2o::$extensions[$ext] = $file); } } return unserialize($object->content); } function flush_cache() { $this->cache->flush(); } function expired($object) { if (!$object) return false; $files = array_merge(array($object->filename), $object->templates); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!is_file($file)) $file = $this->get_template_path($this->searchpath, $file); if ($object->created < filemtime($file)) return true; } return false; } } function file_loader($file) { return new H2o_File_Loader($file); } class H2o_Hash_Loader { function __construct($scope, $options = array()) { $this->scope = $scope; } function setOptions() {} function read($file) { if (!isset($this->scope[$file])) throw new TemplateNotFound; return $this->runtime->parse($this->scope[$file], $file); } function read_cache($file) { return $this->read($file); } } function hash_loader($hash = array()) { return new H2o_Hash_Loader($hash); } /** * Cache subsystem * */ function h2o_cache($options = array()) { $type = $options['cache']; $className = "H2o_".ucwords($type)."_Cache"; if (class_exists($className, false)) { return new $className($options); } return false; } class H2o_File_Cache { var $ttl = 3600; var $prefix = 'h2o_'; function __construct($options = array()) { if (isset($options['cache_dir']) && is_writable($options['cache_dir'])) { $path = $options['cache_dir']; } else { $path = dirname($tmp = tempnam(uniqid(rand(), true), '')); if (file_exists($tmp)) unlink($tmp); } if (isset($options['cache_ttl'])) { $this->ttl = $options['cache_ttl']; } if(isset($options['cache_prefix'])) { $this->prefix = $options['cache_prefix']; } $this->path = realpath($path). DS; } function read($filename) { if (!file_exists($this->path . $this->prefix. $filename)) return false; $content = file_get_contents($this->path . $this->prefix. $filename); $expires = (int)substr($content, 0, 10); if (time() >= $expires) return false; return unserialize(trim(substr($content, 10))); } function write($filename, &$object) { $expires = time() + $this->ttl; $content = $expires . serialize($object); return file_put_contents($this->path . $this->prefix. $filename, $content); } function flush() { foreach (glob($this->path. $this->prefix. '*') as $file) { @unlink($file); } } } class H2o_Apc_Cache { var $ttl = 3600; var $prefix = 'h2o_'; function __construct($options = array()) { if (!function_exists('apc_add')) throw new Exception('APC extension needs to be loaded to use APC cache'); if (isset($options['cache_ttl'])) { $this->ttl = $options['cache_ttl']; } if(isset($options['cache_prefix'])) { $this->prefix = $options['cache_prefix']; } } function read($filename) { return apc_fetch($this->prefix.$filename); } function write($filename, $object) { return apc_store($this->prefix.$filename, $object, $this->ttl); } function flush() { return apc_clear_cache('user'); } } class H2o_Memcache_Cache { var $ttl = 3600; var $prefix = 'h2o_'; /** * @var host default is file socket */ var $host = 'unix:///tmp/memcached.sock'; var $port = 0; var $object; function __construct( $scope, $options = array() ) { if ( !function_exists( 'memcache_set' ) ) throw new Exception( 'Memcache extension needs to be loaded to use memcache' ); if ( isset( $options['cache_ttl'] ) ) { $this->ttl = $options['cache_ttl']; } if( isset( $options['cache_prefix'] ) ) { $this->prefix = $options['cache_prefix']; } if( isset( $options['host'] ) ) { $this->host = $options['host']; } if( isset( $options['port'] ) ) { $this->port = $options['port']; } $this->object = memcache_connect( $this->host, $this->port ); } function read( $filename ){ return memcache_get( $this->object, $this->prefix.$filename ); } function write( $filename, $content ) { return memcache_set( $this->object,$this->prefix.$filename,$content , MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED,$this->ttl ); } function flush(){ return memcache_flush( $this->object ); } }