
2953 lines
106 KiB

#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;
using XNACC.BaseTypes;
using System.Diagnostics;
* CommandConsoleBase.cs
* (C) 2009-2011, James R. Twine of JRTwine Software, LLC
* *************************************************************************
* *************************************************************************
* This Code Originated With Code From the "XNA Console Component Sample" by Kevin Jurkowski.
* At The Time Of This Writing, The Original Code Was Available
* From:
* (But, Ziggyware Is No Longer There! :<)
* Changes, (C) 2009, James R. Twine of JRTwine Software, LLC
* Changes:
* Converted to XNA 3.0
* More input keys supported (Symbols, digits, etc.)
* Better(?) Way of extending supported commands and their handlers, parameters, help, etc.
* Slight Q&D colorizing of output to differenate commands and output
* Extracted keyboard-specific functionality into an iterface
* Command history
* Command completion
* Scrollable log/output
* Base class supports "standard" commands
* Support for "hidden" commands
* Customizable scalable drawing
* Custom functions (basically macros that support parameters)
* Binding commands/functions to <ALT>-Key combinations (when the console is closed)
* And possibly some other fun stuff...!
* More Changes, (C) 2010, James R. Twine of JRTwine Software, LLC
* Changes:
* Expanded key bindings to support <ALT/SHIFT/CTRL> modifiers
* Converted to XNA 4.0
* Graphics optimizations
* Still MORE Changes, (C) 2011, James R. Twine of JRTwine Software, LLC
* Changes:
* Additional ways to hook into command execution/handling
* Addition of dynamic Console Variables (cvars)
* Support for external managed functions that can manipulate cvars and do... just about anything
* Ability to lock-down functions, bindings and external functions (to prevent tampering with a released game)
* TODO: Wanna wrap command handlers into an "ICCCommand" interface...
//NA: XNACC currently is only supported on Windows due to the fact that SortedDictionary is not avaiable on WP7/Xbox 360
//NA: Seriously Microsoft?
/// <summary>Namespace that contains code related to the XNACC (CommandConsole) component</summary>
namespace XNACC.Console
/// <summary>Base functionality of the XNACC (CommandConsole) component</summary>
public class CommandConsoleBase : DrawableGameComponent
#region EventArgs Object
/// <summary>EA object for the CVarModified event</summary>
public class CVarModifiedEventArgs : EventArgs
/// <summary>The actual CVar for this event</summary>
public CVar Value
protected set;
/// <summary>Constructor for this object</summary>
/// <param name="value">The cvar that has been modified</param>
public CVarModifiedEventArgs(CVar value)
Value = value;
/// <summary>EA object for handling console command execution</summary>
public class CommandConsoleEventArgs : EventArgs
/// <summary>The actual command line being executed</summary>
public string CmdLine
/// <summary>Flag indicating if the command has been handled by an event handler; if true, no further processing is done on the command</summary>
public bool Handled
/// <summary>Constructor for this object</summary>
/// <param name="cmdLine">The command line being processed</param>
public CommandConsoleEventArgs( string cmdLine )
CmdLine = cmdLine;
Handled = false;
#region Command Object
/// <summary>This object contains information on a single Command that the console understands.</summary>
protected class CmdObject : IComparable< CmdObject >
/// <summary>Default constructor for the Command Object</summary>
public CmdObject()
: this( String.Empty, String.Empty, null, false, String.Empty, 0, 0 )
/// <summary>Constuct an instance of the Command Object</summary>
/// <param name="command">The command identifier (no whitespace, please)</param>
/// <param name="help">The (brief) help for this command</param>
/// <param name="cmdAction">The delegate method that fires when the command is encountered</param>
public CmdObject( string command, string help, Action<string []> cmdAction )
: this( command, help, cmdAction, false, String.Empty, 0, 0 )
/// <summary>Constuct an instance of the Command Object</summary>
/// <param name="command">The command identifier (no whitespace, please)</param>
/// <param name="help">The (brief) help for this command</param>
/// <param name="cmdAction">The delegate method that fires when the command is encountered</param>
/// <param name="isSecret">Is this a secret command (not shown in the help information)</param>
public CmdObject( string command, string help, Action<string []> cmdAction, bool isSecret )
: this( command, help, cmdAction, isSecret, String.Empty, 0, 0 )
/// <summary>Constuct an instance of the Command Object</summary>
/// <param name="command">The command identifier (no whitespace, please)</param>
/// <param name="help">The (brief) help for this command</param>
/// <param name="cmdAction">The delegate method that fires when the command is encountered</param>
/// <param name="isSecret">Is this a secret command (not shown in the help information)</param>
/// <param name="detailedHelp">The detailed help for this command</param>
public CmdObject( string command, string help, Action<string []> cmdAction, bool isSecret, string detailedHelp )
: this( command, help, cmdAction, isSecret, detailedHelp, 0, 0 )
/// <summary>Constuct an instance of the Command Object</summary>
/// <param name="command">The command identifier (no whitespace, please)</param>
/// <param name="help">The (brief) help for this command</param>
/// <param name="cmdAction">The delegate method that fires when the command is encountered</param>
/// <param name="isSecret">Is this a secret command (not shown in the help information)</param>
/// <param name="detailedHelp">The detailed help for this command</param>
/// <param name="minParams">The minimum number of parameters for this command (0 == no minimum)</param>
/// <param name="maxParams">The maximum number of parameters for this command (0 == no maximum)</param>
public CmdObject( string command, string help, Action<string []> cmdAction, bool isSecret, string detailedHelp, int minParams, int maxParams )
Command = command;
CommandHelp = help;
if( cmdAction != null )
CmdEvent += cmdAction;
IsSecret = isSecret;
CommandHelpDetailed = detailedHelp;
MinParameters = minParams;
MaxParameters = maxParams;
/// <summary>Required - The command (single word, no spaces, and all commands will be converted to lowercase)</summary>
public String Command { get; set; }
/// <summary>Optional - Summary help information that briefly describes the command</summary>
public String CommandHelp { get; set; }
/// <summary>Optional - Detailed help information that explains the command and its usage</summary>
public String CommandHelpDetailed { get; set; }
/// <summary>The minimum number of parameters the command expects (set to zero for no minimum)</summary>
public int MinParameters { get; set; }
/// <summary>The maximum number of parameters the command expects (set to zero for no maximum)</summary>
public int MaxParameters { get; set; }
/// <summary>Indicates if this command is secret -- if so, it will not appear when the user types
/// "help" and will not participate in command completion</summary>
public bool IsSecret { get; set; }
/// <summary>The event fired when the associated command is received</summary>
public event Action<string[]> CmdEvent;
/// <summary>This method fires the associated Delegate</summary>
/// <param name="cmdLine">The complete command line. Not just the command's parameters!</param>
/// <remarks>This method is public to allow for artificial triggering of commands.</remarks>
public void TriggerEvent( String[] cmdLine )
if( CmdEvent != null )
CmdEvent.Invoke( cmdLine );
#region IComparable<CmdObject> Members
/// <summary>Compare this object with another object instance</summary>
/// <param name="other">The object to compare to</param>
/// <returns>The result of comparing the object's Command strings</returns>
public int CompareTo( CmdObject other )
return( Command.CompareTo( other.Command ) );
#region Function Object
/// <summary>This object contains information on a custom function that the console understands.</summary>
protected class FuncObject : IComparable< FuncObject >
/// <summary>The function name</summary>
public String Function
protected set;
/// <summary>The code to execute when the function executes</summary>
public IList<String> FunctionImpl
protected set;
/// <summary>Constructor for the Function Object</summary>
/// <param name="funcName">The name of the Function</param>
/// <param name="funcImpl">The implementation of the Function</param>
public FuncObject( string funcName, string[] funcImpl )
if( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( funcName ) )
throw new ArgumentException( "The function name must not be whitespace.", "funcName" );
Function = funcName.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
FunctionImpl = new List<string>( funcImpl );
/// <summary>Indicates if this function is secret -- it will not appear when the user types "help"</summary>
public bool IsSecret
/// <summary>Provide a string representation of this object</summary>
/// <returns>A string containing a representation of the object</returns>
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sbCmdLine = new StringBuilder( FunctionImpl.Count * 32 );
foreach( string line in FunctionImpl )
if( sbCmdLine.Length > 0 )
sbCmdLine.Append( "; " );
sbCmdLine.Append( line );
return ( String.Format( "{0} -> {1}", Function, sbCmdLine.ToString() ) );
#region IComparable<FuncObject> Members
/// <summary>Compare this object with another object instance</summary>
/// <param name="other">The object to compare to</param>
/// <returns>The result of comparing the object's Function strings</returns>
public int CompareTo( FuncObject other )
return( Function.CompareTo( other.Function ) );
#region External Function Object
/// <summary>This object contains information on an external function (implemented in a .NET assembly) that the console understands.</summary>
protected class ExternalFuncObject : IComparable<ExternalFuncObject>
/// <summary>Collection Of Known Class Instances</summary>
static protected Dictionary< string, object > ms_classInstances = new Dictionary<string,object>( 8 );
/// <summary>The method name</summary>
public String MethodName
/// <summary>Is this external function secret?</summary>
public bool IsSecret
protected set;
/// <summary>Command line used to create the function</summary>
public String CommandLine
/// <summary>The actual method metadata</summary>
protected MethodInfo m_method;
/// <summary>The actual class instance</summary>
protected object m_classInstance;
/// <summary>Construct an instance of this object, storing information on the specified method</summary>
/// <param name="assembly">The name/path of the assembly/DLL to load from</param>
/// <param name="className">The fully qualified, case-sensitive class name</param>
/// <param name="methodName">The case-sensitive name of the method to get</param>
public ExternalFuncObject( string assembly, string className, string methodName )
: this( assembly, className, methodName, false )
/// <summary>Construct an instance of this object, storing information on the specified method</summary>
/// <param name="assembly">The name/path of the assembly/DLL to load from</param>
/// <param name="className">The fully qualified, case-sensitive class name</param>
/// <param name="methodName">The case-sensitive name of the method to get</param>
/// <param name="isSecret">Is this a secret/hidden ExFunc?</param>
public ExternalFuncObject( string assembly, string className, string methodName, bool isSecret )
Type classType = null;
// See If We Already Have An Instance Of This Class
if( ms_classInstances.TryGetValue( className,
out m_classInstance ) == false )
{ // We Do Not, So Create And Store One
Assembly asm = null;
asm = Assembly.LoadFrom( assembly );
catch( FileNotFoundException )
asm = Assembly.LoadFrom( assembly + ".dll" );
classType = asm.GetType( className, false );
if( classType == null )
classType = asm.GetType( assembly + "." + className, true );
m_classInstance = Activator.CreateInstance( classType );
ms_classInstances[ methodName ] = m_classInstance;
// Store Name Of Method And
MethodName = methodName;
m_method = classType.GetMethod( methodName );
IsSecret = isSecret;
/// <summary>Attempt to invoke the previously loaded method dynamically</summary>
/// <param name="parameters">Parameters that should be passed to the method, or null if none</param>
/// <returns>A string return value from the method, or String.Empty if a null is returned or if the method returns void</returns>
public string Invoke( params object[] parameters )
string ret;
object returnVal = m_method.Invoke( m_classInstance, parameters );
ret = ( returnVal != null ) ? returnVal.ToString() : String.Empty;
catch( Exception ex )
ret = ex.Message;
return( ret );
/// <summary>Provide a string representation of this object</summary>
/// <returns>A string containing a representation of the object</returns>
public override string ToString()
return ( String.Format( "{0}::{1}", m_classInstance, MethodName ) );
#region IComparable<FuncObject> Members
/// <summary>Compare this object with another object instance</summary>
/// <param name="other">The object to compare to</param>
/// <returns>The result of comparing the object's MethodName strings</returns>
public int CompareTo( ExternalFuncObject other )
return ( MethodName.CompareTo( other.MethodName ) );
#region Binding Object
/// <summary>This object stores information on a bound key</summary>
protected class BindingObject : IComparable< BindingObject >
/// <summary>Modifier keys for this key-binding</summary>
public enum EModifier
/// <summary>No modifier keys associated with this Binding</summary>
None = 0,
/// <summary>CTRL modifier key is associated with this Binding</summary>
Ctrl = 1,
/// <summary>SHIFT modifier key is associated with this Binding</summary>
Shift = 2,
/// <summary>ALT modifier key is associated with this Binding</summary>
Alt = 4,
/// <summary>The command/function to execute when the bound key is hit</summary>
public string _text;
/// <summary>The key that the command/function is bound to</summary>
public Keys _key;
/// <summary>The modifier key for _key (Ctrl, Alt, Shift) - modifiers use the LEFT version of the key identifier</summary>
public EModifier _modifierKeys;
/// <summary>Gets the modifier key(s) in human readable form</summary>
/// <returns>A string representing this binding's modifiers, or an empty string if none</returns>
public string GetModifierString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 32 );
bool usesCtrl = ( ( _modifierKeys & EModifier.Ctrl ) == EModifier.Ctrl );
bool usesShift = ( ( _modifierKeys & EModifier.Shift ) == EModifier.Shift );
bool usesAlt = ( ( _modifierKeys & EModifier.Alt ) == EModifier.Alt );
bool first = false;
if( usesCtrl )
sb.Append( "CTRL" );
first = false;
if( usesAlt )
if( !first )
sb.Append( '+' );
sb.Append( "ALT" );
if( usesShift )
if( !first )
sb.Append( '+' );
sb.Append( "SHIFT" );
if( sb.Length > 0 )
sb.Append( '+' );
return( sb.ToString() );
/// <summary>Convert this binding object into an informational string</summary>
/// <returns>The informational string</returns>
public override string ToString()
return ( String.Format( "<{0}{1}> -> {2}", GetModifierString(), _key, _text ) );
#region IComparable<BindingObject> Members
/// <summary>Compare this object with another object instance</summary>
/// <param name="other">The object to compare to</param>
/// <returns>Nothing - Not Implemented Yet</returns>
public int CompareTo( BindingObject other )
throw new NotImplementedException();
#region Fields
#region Command Processing
// -- Command Processing-Related Fields...
/// <summary>Collection Of Command Objects.</summary>
protected SortedDictionary<string,CmdObject> ms_commands = new SortedDictionary<string, CmdObject>();
/// <summary>Collection Of function Objects.</summary>
protected SortedDictionary<string, FuncObject> ms_functions = new SortedDictionary<string, FuncObject>();
/// <summary>Collection Of External Functions.</summary>
protected SortedDictionary<string, ExternalFuncObject> ms_externalFunctions = new SortedDictionary<string, ExternalFuncObject>();
/// <summary>Collection Of Binding Objects.</summary>
protected List<BindingObject> ms_bindings = new List<BindingObject>( 8 );
/// <summary>Colleciton Of Partial Command Matches</summary>
protected List<string> ms_partialCmdMatches = new List<string>( 8 );
/// <summary>Symbol table for the console variables</summary>
protected Dictionary<string, CVar> m_cVars = new Dictionary<string, CVar>( 8 );
/// <summary>Match index for the last partial command</summary>
protected int m_cmdMatchIndex = 0;
/// <summary>The last command match found</summary>
protected string m_lastCmdMatch = String.Empty;
/// <summary>The command line itself</summary>
protected string m_commandLine = String.Empty;
/// <summary>Function-related functions are locked out</summary>
protected bool m_functionsLocked = false;
/// <summary>Binding-related functions are locked out</summary>
protected bool m_bindingsLocked = false;
/// <summary>External-Function-related functions are locked out</summary>
protected bool m_exfunsLocked = false;
#region Drawing and Graphics
// -- Drawing/Graphics-Related Fields...
/// <summary>Drawing object</summary>
protected SpriteBatch m_spriteBatch;
/// <summary>Font used for drawing the console's text</summary>
protected SpriteFont m_consoleFont;
/// <summary>Rectangle for the console area</summary>
protected Rectangle m_consoleRect;
/// <summary>Location of the command line</summary>
protected Vector2 m_commandPos;
/// <summary>Hight for the current console font</summary>
protected Vector2 m_stringHeight;
/// <summary>Offset for the command line</summary>
protected float m_commandStringHeightOffset;
/// <summary>Number of characters that can fit in the console area's width</summary>
protected int m_screenCharWidth;
/// <summary>Width of the console area</summary>
protected int m_width;
/// <summary>Height of the console area</summary>
protected int m_height;
/// <summary>Scale for drawing the console</summary>
protected float m_scale = 1.0f;
#region Scrolling and Logging
// -- Scrolling-Related Fields...
/// <summary>The number of lines that are visible in the console area</summary>
protected int m_linesVisibleOnScreen;
/// <summary>Used for drawing an indicator to show that lines are scrolled above</summary>
protected bool m_linesAbove;
/// <summary>Used for drawing an indicator to show that lines are scrolled below</summary>
protected bool m_linesBelow;
/// <summary>Where the log starts at (for scrolling)</summary>
protected int m_logStart = 0;
/// <summary>Specifies the limit of the log buffer</summary>
protected int m_logLimit = 512;
// -- Logging-Related Fields...
/// <summary>The path to the log shadow (copy of all logged lines)</summary>
protected string m_logShadowFilePath = String.Empty;
/// <summary>Flag indicating that the log is being shadowed</summary>
protected bool m_logShadowEnabled = false;
/// <summary>The stream for shadowing the log to</summary>
protected StreamWriter m_logShadowFile = null;
/// <summary>Storage for the log</summary>
protected static List<string> m_log = new List<string>( 256 );
#region Command History
// Command History-Related Fields
/// <summary>Specifies the limit of the command history</summary>
protected int m_cmdHistoryLimit = 512;
/// <summary>Collection of command history</summary>
protected static List<string> m_cmdHistory = new List<string>( 128 );
/// <summary>Current index in the command history</summary>
protected int m_cmdHistoryIndex = 0;
/// <summary>Scanning (up/down) index in of the command history</summary>
protected int m_cmdHistoryScanIndex = 0;
#region Input Processing
// Input related fields
/// <summary>Time for key repeat</summary>
protected DateTime m_keyRepeatTime = DateTime.MinValue;
/// <summary>Character translation for ALL keyboard keys - contains an element for all values in the Keys enumeration</summary>
protected List<String> m_xlateAllKeys;
/// <summary>Character translation for ALL keyboard keys, shifted - contains an element for all values in the Keys enumeration</summary>
protected List<String> m_xlateAllKeysShifted;
#region Events
/// <summary>Event fired right before handling/execution of a command. Allows interception of normal command processing.</summary>
public event EventHandler<CommandConsoleEventArgs> PreCommandExecutedEvent;
/// <summary>Event fired when a console variable has been created/modified</summary>
public event EventHandler<CVarModifiedEventArgs> CVarModifiedEvent;
#region Properties
/// <summary>Interface to the keyboard used for console input</summary>
public IConsoleKeyboard Keyboard
protected set;
/// <summary>Image/Texture used to fade the text underneath the console's text area</summary>
public Texture2D FadeImage
/// <summary>The color used to produce the fade</summary>
public Color FadeColor
/// <summary>Drawing scale for the console</summary>
public float Scale
return m_scale;
m_scale = value;
m_stringHeight = Vector2.Zero;
/// <summary>Indicates if the console is active or not</summary>
public static bool Active
/// <summary>The prompt shown for the command line</summary>
public string Prompt
/// <summary>The color used to display entered commands</summary>
public Color CommandColor
/// <summary>The color used to display error messages</summary>
public Color ErrorColor
/// <summary>The color used to display output from executed commands</summary>
public Color OutputColor
/// <summary>The color used to display "normal" output messages</summary>
public Color NormalColor
/// <summary>The font used for text display</summary>
public SpriteFont Font
get { return( m_consoleFont ); }
m_consoleFont = value;
m_stringHeight = Vector2.Zero;
/// <summary>Sets/Gets the height of the console window</summary>
public int Height
return( m_height );
m_height = value;
m_stringHeight = Vector2.Zero;
/// <summary>Sets/Gets the width of the console window</summary>
public int Width
return( m_width );
m_width = value;
m_stringHeight = Vector2.Zero;
#region Initialization
/// <summary>Constructor for this base class</summary>
/// <param name="game">The Game object for the owning/managing game</param>
public CommandConsoleBase( Game game )
: this( game, null )
/// <summary>Constructor for this base class</summary>
/// <param name="game">The Game object for the owning/managing game</param>
/// <param name="fontToUse">The font that the console should use to draw its text</param>
public CommandConsoleBase( Game game, SpriteFont fontToUse )
: base( game )
m_consoleFont = fontToUse;
Prompt = "_>";
CommandColor = Color.SteelBlue;
ErrorColor = Color.Firebrick;
OutputColor = Color.Yellow;
NormalColor = Color.Silver;
/// <summary>Primary initialization function</summary>
public override void Initialize()
// OK - This Seems Very Heavyweight, And It Kinda Is. But It Allows For
// Easy Mapping Of A "Keys" Value To Any String, Which Makes It Possible
// To Create Single Key Macros, Like Binding On Steroids, And Also Makes
// It Easy To Handle Non-US Or Gaming Keyboards.
// The Format Of The Lines Below Is A Comment Line That Identifies The Array
// Indices, Which Correspond To Values In The "Keys" Enumeration, And Then
// The Actual Values For Those Indices.
m_xlateAllKeys = new List<String>( new[] {
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
" ", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 63
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
"" , "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o",
// 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
"p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/",
// 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 159 159
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , ";", "=", ",", "-", ".", "/",
// 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207
"", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "[", "\\","]", "'", "8",
// 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
"" , "" ,"|", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
} );
// Create Collection Of Characters (Strings) For All Possible SHIFTED Key Values...
m_xlateAllKeysShifted = new List<String>( new[] {
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
" ", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 63
")", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
"" , "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
// 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
"P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/",
// 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 159 159
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , ":", "+", "<", "_", ">", "?",
// 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207
"", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "{", "|", "}","\"", "*",
// 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
"" , "" ,"\\", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
// 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255
"" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ,
} );
#region Graphics Content
/// <summary>Load content for this component</summary>
/// <param name="content">The ContentManager that should be used </param>
public virtual void LoadContent( ContentManager content )
m_spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch( GraphicsDevice );
m_width = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width;
m_height = ( GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 3 );
#region Update and Draw
/// <summary>
/// Recalculates measurements required for text display and wrapping. Sets the m_consoleRect,
/// m_commandPos and m_linesVisibleOnScreen fields.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void RecalculateHeightSettings()
m_consoleRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, m_width, m_height );
m_commandPos = new Vector2( 10.0f, m_height - m_commandStringHeightOffset );
m_linesVisibleOnScreen = ( (int)( m_height / m_stringHeight.Y ) - 1 );
/// <summary>Update this component</summary>
/// <param name="gameTime">Game's time</param>
public override void Update( GameTime gameTime )
base.Update( gameTime );
/// <summary>Draw the console</summary>
/// <param name="gameTime">Game's time</param>
public override void Draw( GameTime gameTime )
m_linesAbove = m_linesBelow = false;
if( Active == true )
m_spriteBatch.Begin( SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend );
if( FadeImage != null )
// Fade The Console Area With The Specified Texture/Image...
m_spriteBatch.Draw( FadeImage, m_consoleRect, FadeColor );
// Cache Pre-Calculatable Values...
if( m_stringHeight == Vector2.Zero )
m_stringHeight = Vector2.Multiply( m_consoleFont.MeasureString( Prompt ), Scale );
m_screenCharWidth = (int)( ( m_width / m_stringHeight.X ) * 2 );
m_commandStringHeightOffset = ( ( m_stringHeight.Y * 2.0f ) - 4.0f );
// Draw command string
m_spriteBatch.DrawString( m_consoleFont, Prompt + m_commandLine,
m_commandPos, Color.Yellow, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero,
Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f );
// Draw log
Vector2 linePos = new Vector2( m_consoleRect.Left + 10.0f, ( m_commandPos.Y - m_stringHeight.Y ) );
int endLine = Math.Max( 0, ( ( m_log.Count - m_logStart ) - 1 ) );
if( m_logStart != 0 )
m_linesBelow = true;
for( int i = endLine; i >= 0; i-- )
if( linePos.Y <= m_consoleRect.Top )
m_linesAbove = true;
String line = m_log[ i ];
if( line.Length == 0 )
Char firstChar = line[ 0 ];
if( firstChar <= '\x03' )
Color outColor = OutputColor;
if( firstChar == '\x01' )
outColor = CommandColor;
else if( firstChar == '\x02' )
outColor = ErrorColor;
else if( firstChar == '\x03' )
outColor = OutputColor;
m_spriteBatch.DrawString( m_consoleFont, line.Substring( 1 ),
linePos, outColor, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, Scale,
SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f );
m_spriteBatch.DrawString( m_consoleFont, line, linePos,
NormalColor, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, Scale,
SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f );
linePos.Y -= m_stringHeight.Y;
if( m_linesAbove )
Vector2 starPos = new Vector2( m_width - 10.0f, m_consoleRect.Top );
m_spriteBatch.DrawString( m_consoleFont, "^", starPos,
ErrorColor, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, Scale,
SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f );
if( m_linesBelow )
Vector2 starPos = new Vector2( m_width - 10.0f, ( m_commandPos.Y - m_stringHeight.Y ) );
m_spriteBatch.DrawString( m_consoleFont, "V", starPos,
ErrorColor, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, Scale,
SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f );
base.Draw( gameTime );
#region Input Handling
/// <summary>Process a keyboard key. Assumes that the Keyboard property is not null!</summary>
/// <param name="key">The key to process</param>
protected virtual void ProcessKey( Keys key )
// Space - Special Handling To Eliminate Leading Whitespace
if( ( key == Keys.Space ) && ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( m_commandLine ) ) )
m_commandLine += " ";
m_lastCmdMatch = String.Empty;
// Command History...
else if( key == Keys.Up )
if( m_cmdHistory.Count == 0 )
if( m_cmdHistoryScanIndex < 0 )
m_cmdHistoryScanIndex = 0;
m_commandLine = m_cmdHistory[ m_cmdHistoryScanIndex ];
else if( key == Keys.Down )
if( m_cmdHistory.Count == 0 )
if( m_cmdHistoryScanIndex >= m_cmdHistory.Count )
m_cmdHistoryScanIndex = ( m_cmdHistory.Count - 1 );
m_commandLine = m_cmdHistory[ m_cmdHistoryScanIndex ];
// Log Scrolling...
else if( ( key == Keys.PageUp ) && ( m_linesVisibleOnScreen < m_log.Count ) )
m_logStart += ( m_linesVisibleOnScreen - 1 );
if( m_logStart >= ( m_log.Count - m_linesVisibleOnScreen ) )
m_logStart = ( m_log.Count - m_linesVisibleOnScreen + 1 );
else if( ( key == Keys.PageDown ) && ( m_linesVisibleOnScreen < m_log.Count ) )
m_logStart -= ( m_linesVisibleOnScreen - 1 );
if( m_logStart < 0 )
m_logStart = 0;
// Check input for Escape
else if( key == Keys.Escape )
m_commandLine = String.Empty;
m_lastCmdMatch = String.Empty;
// Check input for Backspace
else if( ( key == Keys.Back ) && ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( m_commandLine ) ) &&
( m_commandLine != Prompt ) )
m_commandLine = m_commandLine.Remove( m_commandLine.Length - 1, 1 );
m_lastCmdMatch = String.Empty;
// Check input for Tab
else if( ( key == Keys.Tab ) && ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( m_commandLine ) ) &&
( m_commandLine != Prompt ) )
// Rebuild Partial Command Matches If List Is Empty/Reset
if( ms_partialCmdMatches.Count == 0 )
BuildCommandMatches( m_commandLine );
m_cmdMatchIndex = 0;
// If We Have Partial Matches, Circularly Iterate Over Them And Show Them
if( ms_partialCmdMatches.Count > 0 )
if( m_cmdMatchIndex >= ms_partialCmdMatches.Count )
m_cmdMatchIndex = 0;
m_commandLine = ms_partialCmdMatches[ m_cmdMatchIndex++ ];
// Enter - Commit Command Line
else if( ( key == Keys.Enter ) && ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( m_commandLine ) ) )
AddToLog( "\x01" + m_commandLine );
m_logStart = 0;
ExecuteCommandLine( true );
m_commandLine = String.Empty;
// Any Other Key, Process As Character (Even If Not A Real Character Key)
// Handle Shifted Chars
if( ( Keyboard.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown( Keys.LeftShift ) ) ||
( Keyboard.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown( Keys.RightShift ) ) )
m_commandLine += m_xlateAllKeysShifted[ (int)key ];
m_commandLine += m_xlateAllKeys[ (int)key ];
m_lastCmdMatch = String.Empty;
/// <summary>Check input from the provided keyboard interface</summary>
protected virtual void CheckInput()
//InputManager im = InputManager.Instance;
// If No Interface To The Keyboard, Stop Here
if( Keyboard == null )
// Toggle the console menu on or off
if( Keyboard.NewlyPressedKeys.Contains( Keys.OemTilde ) )
Active = !Active;
// Only Check Bindings If The Console Is Not Active
if( Active == false )
if( Keyboard.HeldKeys.Count > 0 )
if( DateTime.Now > m_keyRepeatTime )
ProcessKey( Keyboard.HeldKeys[ 0 ] );
m_keyRepeatTime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds( 100 );
if( Keyboard.NewlyPressedKeys.Count > 0 )
ProcessKey( Keyboard.NewlyPressedKeys[ 0 ] );
m_keyRepeatTime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds( 250 );
/// <summary>Get binding information from a "binding string" input by the user</summary>
/// <param name="bindString">The binding string to parse</param>
/// <param name="bindModifiers">ref - the modifier keys for the binding</param>
/// <param name="bindKey">ref - the key for the binding</param>
/// <returns>true if the binding string was understood, false if not</returns>
bool GetKeyBindingInfo( string bindString, ref BindingObject.EModifier bindModifiers, ref Keys bindKey )
bindString = bindString.ToUpper();
if( bindString.Length == 1 )
char keyChar = ( bindString.Trim().ToUpper()[ 0 ] );
int keyOffset = keyChar - 'A';
bindKey = ( Keys.A + keyOffset );
// Default To ALT Binding...
// bindModifiers = BindingObject.EModifier.Alt;
if( ( bindKey >= Keys.A ) && ( bindKey <= Keys.Z ) )
return( true );
return( false );
string[] keyTokens = bindString.Split( '+' );
bool parsed = false;
foreach( string ktoken in keyTokens )
if( ktoken == "ALT" )
bindModifiers |= BindingObject.EModifier.Alt;
if( ktoken == "CTRL" )
bindModifiers |= BindingObject.EModifier.Ctrl;
if( ktoken == "SHIFT" )
bindModifiers |= BindingObject.EModifier.Shift;
if( ktoken.Length == 1 )
int keyOffset = ktoken[ 0 ] - 'A';
bindKey = ( Keys.A + keyOffset );
if( ( bindKey >= Keys.A ) && ( bindKey <= Keys.B ) )
parsed = true;
parsed = false;
else if( ( ( ktoken.Length == 2 ) || ( ktoken.Length == 3 ) ) && ( ktoken[ 0 ] == 'F' ) )
// F-Key Binding...
int fNumber = int.Parse( ktoken.Substring( 1 ) );
Keys fKey = ( Keys.Divide + fNumber );
if( ( fKey >= Keys.F1 ) && ( fKey <= Keys.F24 ) )
bindKey = fKey;
parsed = true;
parsed = false;
return ( parsed );
/// <summary>Check for bound keys - bound keys use the &lt;ALT&gt; modifier</summary>
protected virtual void CheckBindings()
// Stop Here If No Bindings Are Set, Or No Interface To The Keyboard
if( ( ms_bindings.Count == 0 ) || ( Keyboard == null ) )
//InputManager im = InputManager.Instance;
BindingObject.EModifier modifierKeys = BindingObject.EModifier.None;
bool altDown = ( ( Keyboard.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown( Keys.LeftAlt ) ) || ( Keyboard.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown( Keys.RightAlt ) ) );
bool ctrlDown = ( ( Keyboard.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown( Keys.LeftControl ) ) || ( Keyboard.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown( Keys.RightControl ) ) );
bool shiftDown = ( ( Keyboard.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown( Keys.LeftShift ) ) || ( Keyboard.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown( Keys.RightShift ) ) );
if( altDown ) modifierKeys |= BindingObject.EModifier.Alt;
if( ctrlDown ) modifierKeys |= BindingObject.EModifier.Ctrl;
if( shiftDown ) modifierKeys |= BindingObject.EModifier.Shift;
foreach( BindingObject bs in ms_bindings )
// See if the Binding's modifier keys are down, and its command key. If so, execute the command.
if( ( ( bs._modifierKeys & modifierKeys ) == modifierKeys ) &&
( Keyboard.NewlyPressedKeys.Contains( bs._key ) ) )
m_commandLine = bs._text;
ExecuteCommandLine( false );
m_commandLine = String.Empty;
/// <summary>Build command matches for the specified (sub)string.</summary>
/// <param name="cmdMatch">The partial command to try to match</param>
/// <returns>Nothing</returns>
/// <remarks>Resets the ms_partialCmdMatches collection</remarks>
protected virtual void BuildCommandMatches( string cmdMatch )
// Iterate Over Commands And Store Non-Secret Commands That Match Substring
foreach( CmdObject cmd in ms_commands.Values )
if( ( !cmd.IsSecret ) && ( cmd.Command.StartsWith( cmdMatch ) ) )
ms_partialCmdMatches.Add( cmd.Command );
// Iterate Over Funcitons And Store Non-Secret Functions That Match Substring
foreach( FuncObject func in ms_functions.Values )
if( ( !func.IsSecret ) && ( func.Function.StartsWith( cmdMatch ) ) )
ms_partialCmdMatches.Add( func.Function );
// Iterate Over External Funcitons And Store Non-Secret Functions That Match Substring
foreach( ExternalFuncObject extFunc in ms_externalFunctions.Values )
if( ( extFunc.IsSecret ) && ( extFunc.MethodName.StartsWith( cmdMatch ) ) )
ms_partialCmdMatches.Add( extFunc.MethodName );
#region Log Output
/// <summary>Add executed command output to the log.</summary>
/// <param name="text">The output text to add</param>
public void AddOutputToLog( string text )
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) )
AddToLog( "\x03" + DateTime.Now.ToString( "hh:mm:ss.fff" ) + "-" + text );
/// <summary>Add error output to the log.</summary>
/// <param name="text">The error text to add</param>
public void AddErrorToLog( string text )
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) )
AddToLog( "\x02" + DateTime.Now.ToString( "hh:mm:ss.fff" ) + "-" + text );
/// <summary>Add executed command to the log.</summary>
/// <param name="text">The command text to add</param>
public void AddCommandToLog( string text )
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) )
AddToLog( "\x01" + DateTime.Now.ToString( "hh:mm:ss.fff" ) + "-" + text );
/// <summary>Method to add generic output text to the log</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text to add</param>
public void AddToLog( string text )
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) )
if( m_logShadowEnabled )
m_logShadowFile.WriteLine( text );
lock( m_log )
if( ( m_screenCharWidth == 0 ) || ( text.Length < m_screenCharWidth ) )
m_log.Add( text );
List<string> lines = BreakTextIntoList( text, m_consoleFont, ( m_consoleRect.Width - 10 ), Scale );
foreach( String line in lines )
m_log.Add( line );
if( m_log.Count > m_logLimit )
int remove = Math.Max( 32, ( m_log.Count - m_logLimit ) );
m_log.RemoveRange( 0, remove );
// JRT Only Evaluate This Once...
private static readonly char[] DELIMITERS = " .:,/\\-+=_[]{}()?!><|".ToCharArray();
/// <summary>
/// Break text up into separate lines to make it fit.
/// (Originally From MS Provided Code - RBG Starter Kit/Template - Text Helper Methods)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">The text to be broken up.</param>
/// <param name="font">The font used to measure the width of the text.</param>
/// <param name="rowWidth">The maximum width of each line, in pixels.</param>
/// <param name="scale">Scale that should be used for the lines.</param>
protected static List<string> BreakTextIntoList( string text, SpriteFont font,
int rowWidth, float scale )
// check parameters
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) )
return( new List<string>( new[] { String.Empty } ) );
if( font == null )
throw new ArgumentNullException( "font" );
if( rowWidth <= 0 )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "rowWidth" );
// create the list
List<string> lines = new List<string>( text.Length / rowWidth );
// check for trivial text
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) )
lines.Add( String.Empty );
return lines;
char cLead = text[ 0 ];
// JRT Q&D Way To Get Rid Of The Coloring Characters - They Are Not Written
// Out To The Screen, Anyway...
if( ( cLead == '\x01' ) || ( cLead == '\x02' ) || ( cLead == '\x03' ) )
text = text.Substring( 1 );
cLead = '\x00';
// check for text that fits on a single line
if( ( font.MeasureString( text ).X * scale ) <= rowWidth )
if( cLead != '\x00' )
text = text.Insert( 0, cLead.ToString() );
return lines;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 256 );
int textIndex = 0;
int currentDelimiterIndex = 0;
// JRT This Loop Will Cause The Occasional Leading Delimiter Character If The
// Line Break Occurs At A Place Where To Delimiters Are Next To Each
// Other, But I Consider This An Acceptable Tradeoff.
// Lines That Cannot Be Broken-Up Will Wrap, But The Wrapping Will Not
// Be Optimal.
while( textIndex < text.Length )
String appendedString;
int lastLen = textIndex;
currentDelimiterIndex = text.IndexOfAny( DELIMITERS, textIndex );
if( currentDelimiterIndex == -1 )
appendedString = text.Substring( textIndex );
appendedString = text.Substring( textIndex, ( currentDelimiterIndex - textIndex + 1 ) );
sb.Append( appendedString );
if( ( font.MeasureString( sb.ToString() ).X * scale ) > rowWidth )
sb.Remove( ( sb.Length - appendedString.Length ), appendedString.Length );
if( cLead != '\x00' )
sb.Insert( 0, cLead );
lines.Add( sb.ToString() );
sb.Length = 0;
text = text.Substring( textIndex );
textIndex = 0;
textIndex += appendedString.Length;
if( sb.Length > 0 )
lines.Add( sb.ToString() );
return( lines );
#region Built-In Commands
/// <summary>Sets up the standard/built-in commands.</summary>
protected void InitializeStandardCommands()
CmdObject cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "help";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "show game console help, or help for a specific command";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "help [command]";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Help );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "quit";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "immediately quit the game";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Quit );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "close";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "close the command console.";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Close );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "consoleheight";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 0;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "set the height of the console window in pixels";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "consoleheight <heightvalue>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent +=new Action<string[]>(CommandConsoleBase_ConsoleHeight);
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "consolescale";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 0;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "set the scale of the console window (1.0=100%, 0.75=75%, 0.5=50%, etc.)";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "consolescale<scale>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ConsoleScale );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "cvar";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 3;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "add a new console variable (cvar), or modify an existing one";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "cvar <name> [Type] <value> -- examples: cvar myVar MyValue, cvar myInt Int32 42";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_CVar );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "cvars";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 0;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 0;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "view the available console variables (cvars)";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_CVars );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "gc";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "immediately perform full garbage collection";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_GC );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "shadowlog";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 0;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 2;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "shadows the log to an external file, optionally truncating the external file first";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "shadowlog <filepath> <true/false>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ShadowLog );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "noshadowlog";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "turns off shadowing of the log to an external file";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_NoShadowLog );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "clear";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "clears the console log";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Clear );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "loglimit";
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "sets the console log (buffer) limit";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "loglimit <numlines>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_LogLimit );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "memoryinfo";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "display memory info";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_MemInfo );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "exfunc";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "load external function from an assembly";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "exfunc <assemblypath> <classname> <functionname>";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 3;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 3;
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ExFunc );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "systeminfo";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "display system info";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_SystemInfo );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "sleep";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "eause execution of the command console";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "sleep <durationms>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Sleep );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "exec";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "execute contents of a file as commands in this console";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "exec <filepath>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Exec );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "savelog";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "save the console log to a file";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "savelog <filepath>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_SaveLog );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "functions";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "display all current functions";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Functions );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "nofunctions";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "disable the ability to add/remove functions";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_NoFunctions );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "exfuncs";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "display all current external functions";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ExFuncs );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "noexfuncs";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "disable the ability to add/remove exfuncs";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_NoExFunctions );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "bindings";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "display all current key bindings";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Bindings );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "nobindings";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "disable the ability to add/remove bindings";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_NoBindings );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "resetbindings";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "clear all key bindings";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ResetBindings );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "resetexfuncs";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "clear all external functions";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ResetExFuncs );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "resetfunctions";
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "clear all functions";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ResetFunctions);
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "bind";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 2;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 0;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "bind an key to a command or function";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "bind <key> <commandtext/functionname> -- examples: 'bind ALT+G gc', 'bind CTRL+SHIFT+Q quit'";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Bind );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "unbind";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "remove a previous key binding";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "unbind <key>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_UnBind );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "function";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 0;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "create a new function";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "function <functionname> <line>;<line>;<...>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_Function );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "exportfunctions";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "export functions to a file that can be EXEC-ed";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "exportfunctions <filepath>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ExportFunctions );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "exportexfuncs";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "export exfuncs to a file that can be EXEC-ed";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "exportexfuncs <filepath>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ExportExFuncs );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "exportbindings";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "export binding information to a file that can be EXEC-ed";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "exportbindings <filepath>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ExportBindings );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
cmdStruct = new CmdObject();
cmdStruct.Command = "exportstate";
cmdStruct.MinParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.MaxParameters = 1;
cmdStruct.CommandHelp = "export the console's complete state information to a file that can be EXEC-ed, so that the state can be restored later";
cmdStruct.CommandHelpDetailed = "exportstate <filepath>";
cmdStruct.CmdEvent += new Action<string[]>( CommandConsoleBase_ExportState );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
/// <summary>
/// Overridable method used to add custom commands to the console.
/// </summary>
public virtual void InitializeCustomCommands()
/// <summary>Initialize the Console's Commands -- is normally called via <see cref="LoadContent"/></summary>
public void InitializeCommands()
/// <summary>
/// Add a command to the internal collection of commands. Throws an exception if duplicate identifiers are detected.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmdStruct">Command object to add</param>
protected void AddCommand( CmdObject cmdStruct )
cmdStruct.Command = cmdStruct.Command.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
if( ms_commands.ContainsKey( cmdStruct.Command ) )
throw( new InvalidOperationException( String.Format(
"Command {0} already exists in the command list.",
cmdStruct.Command ) ) );
if( ms_functions.ContainsKey( cmdStruct.Command ) )
throw ( new InvalidOperationException( String.Format(
"Command {0} already exists as a function.",
cmdStruct.Command ) ) );
ms_commands[ cmdStruct.Command ] = cmdStruct;
/// <summary>
/// Add a function to the internal collection of functions. Throws an exception if duplicate identifiers are detected.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fnStruct">Function object to add</param>
protected void AddFunction( FuncObject fnStruct )
if( ms_commands.ContainsKey( fnStruct.Function ) )
throw ( new InvalidOperationException( String.Format(
"Function {0} already exists as a command.",
fnStruct.Function ) ) );
if( ms_functions.ContainsKey( fnStruct.Function ) )
throw ( new InvalidOperationException( String.Format(
"Function {0} already exists in the function list.",
fnStruct.Function ) ) );
ms_functions[ fnStruct.Function ] = fnStruct;
#region Command Processing
/// <summary>Execute the specified Function</summary>
/// <param name="fnStruct">Function to execute</param>
/// <param name="parameters">Parameters for the function</param>
protected void ExecuteFunction( FuncObject fnStruct, string[] parameters )
foreach( string line in fnStruct.FunctionImpl )
m_commandLine = line;
// If Function Parameters Exist, And Function Takes Parameters
if( ( parameters != null ) && ( m_commandLine.IndexOf( '%' ) != -1 ) )
int count = 0;
// Build The Resulting Command Line
foreach( string param in parameters )
m_commandLine = m_commandLine.Replace( "%" + count, parameters[ count ] );
AddToLog( "\x01-> " + m_commandLine );
ExecuteCommandLine( false );
m_commandLine = String.Empty;
/// <summary>Evaluates and executes the command line stored in the "_command" field.</summary>
public virtual void ExecuteCommandLine( bool addToHistory )
string trimmedCmdLine = m_commandLine.Trim();
// Ignore Empty And Whitespace Command Lines...
if( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( trimmedCmdLine ) )
// Ignore Comments...
if( trimmedCmdLine[ 0 ] == '#' )
// Bang Indicates That This Line Should NOT Be Added To Command History
if (trimmedCmdLine[0] == '!')
addToHistory = false;
trimmedCmdLine = trimmedCmdLine.Substring(1);
else if( addToHistory )
if( m_cmdHistory.Count > m_cmdHistoryLimit )
m_cmdHistoryIndex = m_cmdHistory.Count;
// m_cmdHistoryIndex = ( m_cmdHistory.Count - 1 );
m_cmdHistoryScanIndex = m_cmdHistoryIndex;
// If A PreCommand Execution Handling Delegate Has Been Set,
// Execute The Delegate And See If The Command Was Handled
// Externally.
if( PreCommandExecutedEvent != null )
CommandConsoleEventArgs ea = new CommandConsoleEventArgs( trimmedCmdLine );
PreCommandExecutedEvent( this, ea );
trimmedCmdLine = ea.CmdLine;
catch( Exception ex )
AddErrorToLog( "** PreCommandExecuted delegate(s) thrown an exception: " + ex.Message );
if( ea.Handled )
CmdObject cs;
String[] cmds = trimmedCmdLine.Split( ' ' );
String cmd = cmds[ 0 ].ToLowerInvariant();
bool found = false;
// Commands Are more Common Then Functions, So Check them First.
if( ms_commands.TryGetValue( cmd, out cs ) )
found = ExecuteCommand( cs, cmds, cmd );
// Next, Try External Functions...
if( ( !found ) && ( ms_externalFunctions.Count > 0 ) )
found = ExecuteExternalFunc( cmds, cmd );
// Next, Try Internal Functions...
if( ( !found ) && ( ms_functions.Count > 0 ) )
found = ExecuteInternalFunc( cmds, cmd );
// Lastly, See If A Console Variable...
if( ( !found ) && ( m_cVars.Count > 0 ) )
found = HandleCVar( cmds, cmd );
// If STILL Not Found...
if( !found )
AddErrorToLog( "** Unknown command: " + trimmedCmdLine );
AddErrorToLog( "** type help for commands and usage." );
catch( Exception e )
AddErrorToLog( String.Format( "Exception while processing \"{0}\" : {1}", trimmedCmdLine, e.Message ) );
/// <summary>Handle set/get cvar</summary>
/// <param name="cmds">Command Line</param>
/// <param name="cmd">Pre-processed command</param>
/// <returns>true if command was handled by this function</returns>
private bool HandleCVar( String[] cmds, String cmd )
CVar cvar;
bool found = false;
lock( m_cVars )
if( m_cVars.TryGetValue( cmd, out cvar ) )
found = true;
if( cmds.Length == 1 )
AddOutputToLog( String.Format( "{0} ({1}) = {2}",
cvar.Name, cvar.ValueType.ToString(), cvar.Value.ToString() ) );
cvar.Value = GetObjFromString( cvar.ValueType, cmds[ 1 ] );
if( CVarModifiedEvent != null )
CVarModifiedEvent.Invoke( this, new CVarModifiedEventArgs( cvar ) );
return( found );
/// <summary>Execute an internal function</summary>
/// <param name="cmds">Command Line</param>
/// <param name="cmd">Pre-processed command</param>
/// <returns>true if command was handled by this function</returns>
private bool ExecuteInternalFunc( String[] cmds, String cmd )
FuncObject fs;
bool found = false;
if( ms_functions.TryGetValue( cmd, out fs ) )
string[] parameters = new string[ cmds.Length - 1 ];
for( int param = 1; param < cmds.Length; param++ )
parameters[ param - 1 ] = cmds[ param ];
ExecuteFunction( fs, parameters );
found = true;
return( found );
/// <summary>Execute a previously loaded external function</summary>
/// <param name="cmds">Command Line</param>
/// <param name="cmd">Pre-processed command</param>
/// <returns>true if command was handled by this function</returns>
private bool ExecuteExternalFunc( String[] cmds, String cmd )
ExternalFuncObject efs;
bool found = false;
// If Not Found, Try To Match Against External Functions
if( ms_externalFunctions.TryGetValue( cmd, out efs ) )
string[] parameters = new string[ cmds.Length - 1 ];
List<object> cVarParams = new List<object>( 2 );
bool doInvoke = true;
for( int param = 1; param < cmds.Length; param++ )
cVarParams.Add( m_cVars[ cmds[ param ].ToLowerInvariant() ] );
catch( Exception ex )
doInvoke = false;
AddErrorToLog( "Exception while building parameters for external function: " + ex.Message );
if( doInvoke )
string ret = efs.Invoke( cVarParams.ToArray() );
if( CVarModifiedEvent != null )
foreach( CVar invokedVar in cVarParams )
CVarModifiedEvent.Invoke( this,
new CVarModifiedEventArgs( invokedVar ) );
if( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ret ) == false )
AddOutputToLog( ret );
found = true;
return found;
/// <summary>Execute a normal command</summary>
/// <param name="cs">Command Object</param>
/// <param name="cmds">Command Line</param>
/// <param name="cmd">Pre-processed command</param>
/// <returns>true if command was handled by this function</returns>
private bool ExecuteCommand( CmdObject cs, String[] cmds, String cmd )
int parameters = ( cmds.Length - 1 );
// Validate the parameter counts
if( ( cs.MinParameters != 0 ) && ( parameters < cs.MinParameters ) )
AddErrorToLog( "Not enough parameters specified for the " + cmd + " command." );
if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( cs.CommandHelpDetailed ) )
AddToLog( cs.CommandHelpDetailed );
else if( ( cs.MaxParameters != 0 ) && ( parameters > cs.MaxParameters ) )
AddErrorToLog( "Too many parameters specified for the " + cmd + " command." );
if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( cs.CommandHelpDetailed ) )
AddToLog( cs.CommandHelpDetailed );
// Fire The Delegate!
cs.TriggerEvent( cmds );
return( true );
#region Parsing Helpers
/// <summary>Try to extract a double/Double value from the string</summary>
/// <param name="value">Value to parse</param>
/// <param name="parsedValue">out - receives the value parsed from the string</param>
/// <param name="errorIfParsingFails">Error msg to log if parsing fails</param>
/// <returns>True if parsed successfully, false otherwise</returns>
protected bool TryParseDouble( string value, out double parsedValue, string errorIfParsingFails )
if( !Double.TryParse( value, out parsedValue ) )
AddErrorToLog( errorIfParsingFails );
return ( false );
return ( true );
/// <summary>Try to extract a float/Single value from the string</summary>
/// <param name="value">Value to parse</param>
/// <param name="parsedValue">out - receives the value parsed from the string</param>
/// <param name="errorIfParsingFails">Error msg to log if parsing fails</param>
/// <returns>True if parsed successfully, false otherwise</returns>
protected bool TryParseFloat( string value, out float parsedValue, string errorIfParsingFails )
if( !Single.TryParse( value, out parsedValue ) )
AddErrorToLog( errorIfParsingFails );
return ( false );
return ( true );
/// <summary>Try to extract an int/Int32 value from the string</summary>
/// <param name="value">Value to parse</param>
/// <param name="parsedValue">out - receives the value parsed from the string</param>
/// <param name="errorIfParsingFails">Error msg to log if parsing fails</param>
/// <returns>True if parsed successfully, false otherwise</returns>
protected bool TryParseInt( string value, out int parsedValue, string errorIfParsingFails )
if( !Int32.TryParse( value, out parsedValue ) )
AddErrorToLog( errorIfParsingFails );
return ( false );
return ( true );
#region Standard Command Handlers
void CommandConsoleBase_Help( string[] cmdLine )
if( cmdLine.Length == 1 )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 512 );
bool first = true;
sb.Append( "Commands: " );
foreach( CmdObject cs in ms_commands.Values )
if( ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( cs.Command ) ) ||
( cs.IsSecret ) )
if( !first )
sb.Append( ", " );
first = false;
sb.Append( cs.Command );
AddToLog( sb.ToString() );
else if( cmdLine.Length == 2 )
CmdObject cs;
String helpCommand = cmdLine[ 1 ];
bool found = false;
if( ms_commands.TryGetValue( helpCommand, out cs ) )
AddToLog( cs.Command + " - " + cs.CommandHelp );
if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( cs.CommandHelpDetailed ) )
AddToLog( cs.CommandHelpDetailed );
found = true;
if( !found )
AddErrorToLog( "Unknown command: " + helpCommand );
AddErrorToLog( "Too many parameters specified. Try help or help <command>." );
void CommandConsoleBase_Quit( string[] cmdLine )
// Stop -- no questions asked!
void CommandConsoleBase_Exec( string[] cmdLine )
string scriptFile = cmdLine[ 1 ];
if( !File.Exists( scriptFile ) )
AddErrorToLog( "Unable to execute " + scriptFile + ", the file cannot be found." );
string[] commandLines = File.ReadAllLines( cmdLine[ 1 ] );
if( commandLines.Length == 0 )
AddErrorToLog( "File: " + scriptFile + " contains no lines." );
AddOutputToLog( "<--- Starting execution of commands from: " + scriptFile + " at " + DateTime.Now.ToString( "hh:mm:ss.fff" ) );
bool bAddToHistory = commandLines[ 0 ].StartsWith( "!!" );
foreach( string cmd in commandLines )
string cmdFixed = cmd.Trim();
AddToLog( "\x01-> " + cmd );
if( cmdFixed.Length == 0 )
m_logStart = 0;
m_commandLine = cmdFixed;
ExecuteCommandLine( bAddToHistory );
m_commandLine = String.Empty;
AddOutputToLog( "<--- Ended execution of commands from: " + scriptFile + " at " + DateTime.Now.ToString( "hh:mm:ss.fff" ) );
void CommandConsoleBase_SaveLog( string[] cmdLine )
string[] lines = new String[ m_log.Count ];
m_log.CopyTo( lines );
File.WriteAllLines( cmdLine[ 1 ], lines );
AddOutputToLog( "<--- Log has been written to: " + cmdLine[ 1 ] );
void CommandConsoleBase_GC( string[] cmdLine )
AddOutputToLog( "Forcing Garbage Collection..." );
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
GC.Collect( 3, GCCollectionMode.Forced );
GC.Collect( 2, GCCollectionMode.Forced );
GC.Collect( 1, GCCollectionMode.Forced );
TimeSpan delta = DateTime.Now.Subtract( now );
AddOutputToLog( "Garbage Collection took ~" + delta.TotalMilliseconds + "ms" );
void CommandConsoleBase_MemInfo( string[] cmdLine )
AddOutputToLog( "WSMem: " + Environment.WorkingSet );
AddOutputToLog( "GCC1 : " + GC.CollectionCount( 0 ) );
AddOutputToLog( "GCC2 : " + GC.CollectionCount( 1 ) );
AddOutputToLog( "GCC3 : " + GC.CollectionCount( 2 ) );
AddOutputToLog( "Total: " + GC.GetTotalMemory( false ) );
void CommandConsoleBase_ExFunc( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_exfunsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "ExFunc-related actions have been disabled." );
string assembly = cmdLine[ 1 ];
string className = cmdLine[ 2 ];
string funcName = cmdLine[ 3 ];
bool isSecret = false;
isSecret = ( ( cmdLine.Length == 5 ) &&
( cmdLine[ 4 ].ToLowerInvariant() == "secret" ) );
ExternalFuncObject efo = new ExternalFuncObject( assembly, className, funcName );
efo.CommandLine = String.Format(
"exfunc {0} {1} {2}{3}",
assembly, className, funcName,
isSecret ? "secret" : String.Empty );
ms_externalFunctions.Add( funcName.ToLowerInvariant(), efo );
AddOutputToLog( String.Format(
"Added external function {0}::{1}::{2}",
assembly, className, funcName ) );
catch( Exception ex )
AddErrorToLog( String.Format(
"Unable to load/add {0}::{1}::{2} = {3}",
assembly, className, funcName, ex.Message ) );
void CommandConsoleBase_SystemInfo( string[] cmdLine )
AddOutputToLog( "Name : " + Environment.MachineName );
AddOutputToLog( "OSVer : " + Environment.OSVersion );
AddOutputToLog( "64BitOS : " + Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem );
AddOutputToLog( "64BitProcess : " + Environment.Is64BitProcess );
AddOutputToLog( "PageFile : " + Environment.SystemPageSize );
AddOutputToLog( "CPUs : " + Environment.ProcessorCount );
AddOutputToLog( "CLRVer : " + Environment.Version );
/// <summary>Type converter helper - tries to convert the specified string to the specified type</summary>
/// <param name="type">The target type to convert to</param>
/// <param name="mystring">The source string to try to convert</param>
/// <returns>A reference to the successfully converted object, or null if conversion failed</returns>
public static object GetObjFromString( Type type, string mystring )
var foo = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter( type );
// Try To Convert From String To The Target Type Using Both Culture-Sensitive
// And The Culture-Insensitive Conversion. If Both Fail, Default To String
// Type.
return ( foo.ConvertFromString( mystring ) );
catch( Exception )
return ( foo.ConvertFromInvariantString( mystring ) );
catch( Exception )
// Just Eat This One
// If Conversion Fails, Fall Back To String Type
return ( mystring );
void CommandConsoleBase_CVar( string[] cmdLine )
CVar cvar = null;
lock( m_cVars )
string cvarName = cmdLine[ 1 ].ToLowerInvariant();
// Isn't this preventing us from modifying a cvar?
// -- Nathan Adams [] - 6/3/2012
if( m_cVars.TryGetValue( cvarName, out cvar ) )
AddErrorToLog( "CVar " + cmdLine[ 1 ] +
" already exists with a value of: " + cvar.Value ?? "(null" );
if( cmdLine.Length == 4 )
string typeName = cmdLine[ 2 ];
Type cvarType = Type.GetType( typeName, false );
if( cvarType == null )
cvarType = Type.GetType( "System." + typeName, false );
if( cvarType == null )
AddErrorToLog( "Cannot resolve type " + typeName +
" -- try a fully qualified type name" );
object objValue = GetObjFromString( cvarType, cmdLine[ 3 ] );
cvar = new CVar( cvarName, objValue );
else if( cmdLine.Length == 3 )
cvar = new CVar( cvarName, cmdLine[ 2 ] );
cvar = new CVar( cvarName );
m_cVars[ cvarName ] = cvar;
AddOutputToLog( "CVar " + cvarName + " has been added" );
if( ( cvar != null ) && ( CVarModifiedEvent != null ) )
CVarModifiedEvent.Invoke(this, new CVarModifiedEventArgs(cvar));
void CommandConsoleBase_CVars( string[] cmdLine )
AddOutputToLog( "cvars:" );
lock( m_cVars )
foreach( CVar cvar in m_cVars.Values )
if( cvar.Value != null )
AddOutputToLog( String.Format( "{0} ({1}) = {2}",
cvar.Name, cvar.ValueType.ToString(), cvar.Value.ToString() ) );
AddOutputToLog( cvar.Name + " (null) = null" );
void CommandConsoleBase_ConsoleScale( string[] cmdLine )
if( cmdLine.Length < 2 )
AddOutputToLog( "Current ConsoleScale is: " + Scale );
float newScale;
if( !TryParseFloat( cmdLine[ 1 ], out newScale,
"Invalid scale - the specified value cannot be parsed" ) )
if( ( newScale < 0.10f ) || ( newScale > 4.0f ) )
AddErrorToLog( "Invalid scale - must be between 0.10 (10%) and 4.0 (400%)" );
Scale = newScale;
m_stringHeight = Vector2.Zero;
void CommandConsoleBase_ConsoleHeight( string[] cmdLine )
if( cmdLine.Length < 2 )
AddOutputToLog( "Current ConsoleHeight value is: " + m_height );
int newHeight;
if( !TryParseInt( cmdLine[ 1 ], out newHeight,
"Invalid height - the specified value cannot be parsed" ) )
if( ( newHeight < 100 ) || ( newHeight > ( GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 100 ) ) )
AddErrorToLog( "Invalid height - must be between 100 and " + ( GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 100 ) );
m_height = newHeight;
m_stringHeight = Vector2.Zero;
void CommandConsoleBase_Sleep( string[] cmdLine )
int sleepms;
if( !TryParseInt( cmdLine[ 1 ], out sleepms,
"Invalid sleep duration - the specified value cannot be parsed" ) )
Thread.Sleep( sleepms );
void CommandConsoleBase_LogLimit( string[] cmdLine )
if( cmdLine.Length < 2 )
AddOutputToLog( "Current LogLimit value is: " + m_logLimit );
int lines;
if( !TryParseInt( cmdLine[ 1 ], out lines,
"Invalid line count - the specified value cannot be parsed" ) )
if( ( lines < 32 ) || ( lines > 10240 ) )
AddErrorToLog( "Invalid line count - must be between 32 and 10240" );
m_logLimit = lines;
void CommandConsoleBase_Close( string[] cmdLine )
Active = false;
void CommandConsoleBase_ShadowLog( string[] cmdLine )
if( cmdLine.Length == 1 )
if( m_logShadowEnabled )
AddOutputToLog( "Log shadowing is enabled, writing to: " + m_logShadowFilePath );
AddOutputToLog( "Log shadowing is disabled." );
string filePath = cmdLine[ 1 ];
bool truncate = false;
if( cmdLine.Length == 3 )
if( ( bool.TryParse( cmdLine[ 2 ], out truncate ) ) && ( truncate ) )
File.Delete( cmdLine[ 2 ] );
m_logShadowFile = new StreamWriter( filePath, !truncate, Encoding.ASCII );
m_logShadowFilePath = filePath;
m_logShadowEnabled = true;
AddOutputToLog( "Log shadowing has been enabled." );
void CommandConsoleBase_NoShadowLog( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_logShadowEnabled )
m_logShadowFile = null;
m_logShadowEnabled = false;
AddOutputToLog( "Log shadowing has been disabled." );
AddOutputToLog( "Log shadowing was not enabled." );
void CommandConsoleBase_Clear( string[] cmdLine )
void CommandConsoleBase_NoFunctions( string[] cmdLine )
m_functionsLocked = true;
void CommandConsoleBase_NoBindings( string[] cmdLine )
m_bindingsLocked = true;
void CommandConsoleBase_NoExFunctions( string[] cmdLine )
m_exfunsLocked = true;
void CommandConsoleBase_Bindings( string[] cmdLine )
if( ms_bindings.Count == 0 )
AddOutputToLog( "No bindings have been set." );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 255 );
bool first = true;
sb.Append( "Bindings: " );
foreach( BindingObject bs in ms_bindings )
if( !first )
sb.Append( ", " );
first = false;
sb.Append( bs.ToString() );
AddToLog( sb.ToString() );
void CommandConsoleBase_ResetBindings( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_bindingsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "Binding-related actions have been disabled." );
if( ms_bindings.Count == 0 )
AddOutputToLog( "No bindings have been set." );
AddOutputToLog( "All bindings have been cleared." );
void CommandConsoleBase_ResetFunctions( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_functionsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "Function-related actions have been disabled." );
if( ms_functions.Count == 0 )
AddOutputToLog( "No functions have been created." );
AddOutputToLog( "All functions have been cleared." );
void CommandConsoleBase_ResetExFuncs( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_exfunsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "ExFunc-related actions have been disabled." );
if( ms_externalFunctions.Count == 0 )
AddOutputToLog( "No external functions have been added." );
AddOutputToLog( "All external functions have been cleared." );
void CommandConsoleBase_ExFuncs( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_exfunsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "ExFunc-related actions have been disabled." );
if( ms_externalFunctions.Count == 0 )
AddOutputToLog( "No external functions have been added." );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 255 );
bool first = true;
sb.Append( "ExFuncs: " );
foreach( ExternalFuncObject ef in ms_externalFunctions.Values )
if( !first )
sb.Append( ", " );
first = false;
sb.Append( ef.ToString() );
AddToLog( sb.ToString() );
void CommandConsoleBase_Functions( string[] cmdLine )
if( ms_functions.Count == 0 )
AddOutputToLog( "No functions have been created." );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 255 );
bool first = true;
sb.Append( "Functions: " );
foreach( FuncObject fs in ms_functions.Values )
if( !first )
sb.Append( ", " );
first = false;
sb.Append( fs.ToString() );
AddToLog( sb.ToString() );
private List<string> GetAllExFuncs()
List<string> exFuncs = new List<string>( ms_externalFunctions.Count );
foreach( ExternalFuncObject efo in ms_externalFunctions.Values )
exFuncs.Add( efo.CommandLine );
return( exFuncs );
private List<string> GetAllFunctions()
List<string> functions = new List<string>( ms_functions.Count );
foreach( FuncObject fs in ms_functions.Values )
string fnText = "function " +
fs.ToString().Replace( "-> ", String.Empty );
//foreach( string fnline in fs.FunctionImpl )
// fnText += fnline;
// fnText += ";";
//functions.Add( "function " + fs.Function + " " + fnText );
functions.Add( fnText );
return( functions );
private List< string > GetAllBindings()
List<string> bindings = new List<string>( ms_bindings.Count );
foreach( BindingObject bo in ms_bindings )
bindings.Add( "bind " + bo.GetModifierString() + bo._key + " " + bo._text );
return( bindings );
void CommandConsoleBase_ExportBindings( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_bindingsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "Binding-related actions have been disabled." );
if( ms_bindings.Count == 0 )
AddErrorToLog( "No bindings have been set." );
string filePath = cmdLine[ 1 ];
File.WriteAllLines( filePath, GetAllBindings().ToArray() );
AddOutputToLog( "Bindings have been saved to: " + filePath );
void CommandConsoleBase_ExportFunctions( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_functionsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "Function-related actions have been disabled." );
if( ms_functions.Count == 0 )
AddErrorToLog( "No functions have been set." );
string filePath = cmdLine[ 1 ];
File.WriteAllLines( filePath, GetAllFunctions().ToArray() );
AddOutputToLog( "Functions have been saved to: " + filePath );
void CommandConsoleBase_ExportExFuncs( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_exfunsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "ExFunc-related actions have been disabled." );
if( ms_externalFunctions.Count == 0 )
AddErrorToLog( "No ExFuncs have been set." );
string filePath = cmdLine[ 1 ];
File.WriteAllLines( filePath, GetAllExFuncs().ToArray() );
AddOutputToLog( "ExFunc defs have been saved to: " + filePath );
/// <summary>Special command handler for ExportState command</summary>
/// <param name="cmdLine">The command line for the command</param>
/// <remarks>This one is protected virtual so additional state can be stored if necessary by derived classes</remarks>
protected virtual void CommandConsoleBase_ExportState( string[] cmdLine )
string filePath = cmdLine[ 1 ];
StreamWriter outFile = new StreamWriter( filePath, false, Encoding.ASCII );
if( ms_bindings.Count > 0 )
lock( ms_bindings )
List<string> bindings = GetAllBindings();
foreach( string line in bindings )
outFile.WriteLine( line );
if( ms_functions.Count > 0 )
lock( ms_functions )
List<string> functions = GetAllFunctions();
foreach( string line in functions )
outFile.WriteLine( line );
outFile.Write( "consoleheight " + m_height );
outFile.Write( "consolescale " + Scale );
outFile.Write( "loglimit " + m_logLimit );
AddOutputToLog( "State has been saved to: " + filePath );
void CommandConsoleBase_UnBind( string[] cmdLine )
string bindString = cmdLine[ 1 ];
Keys bindKey = Keys.None;
BindingObject.EModifier bindKeyModifiers = BindingObject.EModifier.None;
bool parsed = GetKeyBindingInfo( bindString, ref bindKeyModifiers, ref bindKey );
if( !parsed )
AddErrorToLog( String.Format( "\"{0}\" was not understood as a proper binding string.", bindString ) );
foreach( BindingObject bs in ms_bindings )
if( ( bindKey == bs._key ) && ( bindKeyModifiers == bs._modifierKeys ) )
ms_bindings.Remove( bs );
AddOutputToLog( bs.GetModifierString() + " has been unbound." );
AddErrorToLog( bindString + " is not bound." );
void CommandConsoleBase_Bind( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_bindingsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "Binding-related actions have been disabled." );
string bindString = cmdLine[ 1 ];
BindingObject.EModifier bindKeyModifiers = BindingObject.EModifier.None;
Keys bindKey = Keys.None;
bool parsed = GetKeyBindingInfo( bindString, ref bindKeyModifiers, ref bindKey );
if( !parsed )
AddErrorToLog( String.Format( "\"{0}\" was not understood as a proper binding string.", bindString ) );
foreach( BindingObject bs in ms_bindings )
if( ( bindKey == bs._key ) && ( bindKeyModifiers == bs._modifierKeys ) )
AddErrorToLog( String.Format( "{0} is already bound.", bindString ) );
BindingObject newBS = new BindingObject();
string cmds = String.Empty;
for( int cmd = 2; cmd < cmdLine.Length; cmd++ )
cmds += cmdLine[ cmd ];
cmds += " ";
newBS._key = bindKey;
newBS._modifierKeys = bindKeyModifiers;
newBS._text = cmds;
ms_bindings.Add( newBS );
void CommandConsoleBase_Function( string[] cmdLine )
if( m_functionsLocked )
AddErrorToLog( "Function-related actions have been disabled." );
string cmds = String.Empty;
bool isSecret = false;
// This Is A Bit Heavyweight, Building A command Line And Then
// Breaking It Apart Again, But It Seemed Easier And Less
// Complicated Than Trying To Do It All In One Shot
// Build Command Line Minus Command And Secret Option
for( int cmd = 2; cmd < cmdLine.Length; cmd++ )
if( ( cmd == 2 ) && ( cmdLine[ cmd ].ToLowerInvariant() == "secret" ) )
isSecret = true;
cmds += cmdLine[ cmd ];
cmds += " ";
if( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( cmds ) )
AddErrorToLog( "Function contains no code to execute." );
string[] ft = cmds.Split( ';' );
bool hasCode = false;
// Reassemble Command Lines From Tokens
for( int line = 0; line <ft.Length; line++ )
ft[ line ] = ft[ line ].Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
if( ft[ line ].Length == 0 )
hasCode = true;
if( !hasCode )
AddErrorToLog( "Function contains no code to execute." );
FuncObject newFN = new FuncObject( cmdLine[ 1 ], ft );
newFN.IsSecret = isSecret;
AddFunction( newFN );