using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using FarseerPhysics.Dynamics; using Axios.Engine.Interfaces; namespace Axios.Engine { //I think using a template here would be good //It would solve the problem of having to repeat methods in DrawableBreakableAxiosGameObject abstract class AxiosBreakableGameObject : AxiosGameObject { /// /// BodyParts is what the body will break into /// Body is what will be used to show the object as a whole /// protected List BodyParts = new List(); protected SimpleAxiosGameObject BodyPart = null; public delegate void BodyBroken(AxiosBreakableGameObject body); public event BodyBroken OnBodyBreak; protected bool _calledBodyBroken = false; protected bool _isbroken = false; private int _draworder; public bool Broken { get { return _isbroken; } set { _isbroken = true; Break(); } } public override void LoadContent(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen) { base.LoadContent(gameScreen); BodyParts = new List(); CreateBodyPart(gameScreen); CreateBodyParts(gameScreen); gameScreen.AddGameObject(BodyPart); BodyPart.BodyPart.Enabled = true; foreach (SimpleAxiosGameObject obj in BodyParts) { gameScreen.AddGameObject(obj); obj.BodyPart.Enabled = false; } } //The developer will have to define the BodyPart creation in an overriden method public abstract void CreateBodyPart(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen); //The developer will have to define the BodyParts creation in an overriden method public abstract void CreateBodyParts(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen); public void Break() { OnBodyBreak(this); _isbroken = true; BodyPart.BodyPart.Enabled = false; foreach (SimpleAxiosGameObject s in BodyParts) s.BodyPart.Enabled = true; } public override void Update(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus, bool coveredByOtherScreen) { base.Update(gameScreen, gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen); } protected override void OnRemove(AxiosGameObject gameObject) { base.OnRemove(gameObject); if (BodyPart != null) BodyPart.Remove(); } public int DrawOrder { get { return _draworder; } set { _draworder = value; } } public void Draw(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) { if (_isbroken) { if (BodyParts.Count > 0 && BodyParts[0] is IDrawableAxiosGameObject) { foreach (SimpleAxiosGameObject b in BodyParts) ((IDrawableAxiosGameObject)b).Draw(gameScreen, gameTime); } } else { if (BodyPart != null && BodyPart is IDrawableAxiosGameObject) ((IDrawableAxiosGameObject)BodyPart).Draw(gameScreen, gameTime); } } } }